It’s been an amazing 365 days, and thankfully we’re here on this final day of the year 2017 (because technically, if you’re reading this you’re still alive.)
However as 2017 ends today, it also ushers us into a fresh start. Back when I was younger, I’d hear everyone talk about ‘’New Year Resolutions’’, it was interesting because they were always so hyped about it that the serious ones would get to write theirs down in a new exercise book or journal just to keep track of their progress I think.
I heard this for some time and decided to join in the New Year resolution gang. But I found that 2 weeks into the New Year I would forget half the things I told myself I was going to do. An I also found out that so many people like me couldn’t keep up with this long list of things they convinced themselves they were going to start doing or stop doing.
So I’m urging you to rather make a list of short term and long term goals you would like to crush in 2018, put a time frame to every item that makes the list and get somebody to hold you accountable for your successes or slip ups.
Set strategies to achieve your goals, progress is clearer this way.