#LadyBossQuickFive: Edwina Kulego Says Entrepreneurship Has Made Her a Bold Risk Taker

Born and raised in Sweden by Ghanaian parents, Edwina Kulego manages International Business Development at UBM Fashion Group. Edwina is also the founder and CEO of Essentials By Edwina: a vegan, make up collection in partnership with Celfie Cosmetics.

She began her career working for Zara / Inditex Group, as a Sales Manager in Copenhagen, Denmark.  She moved to New York in 2007 where she interned at various companies such as Essence Magazine, Tommy Hilfiger and PROJECT Trade show. After graduating from Berkeley College with a Bachelors Degree in International Business she landed a job as the Executive Assistant to the President at PROJECT. After that, she became the Business Coordinator to the CEO and eventually went on to manage International Business Development at UBM Fashion Group. This role includes helping international fashion brands create pathways into the U.S. market. She is a proud member of African Health Now, a non profit organization that provides accessibility to primary health care in Africa.

Edwina takes our Lady Boss Questionnaire.

What does Entrepreneurship mean to you? 

When I think of entrepreneurship I think of leadership and ownership. Being able to use my creativity, experience and ideas to create a business is fulfilling and motivating. When I think of an entrepreneur, I think of a bold risk taker. 

If you weren’t an entrepreneur, you would be…? 

Hmm.. both of my parents are entrepreneurs so it feels like second nature but I would probably say an executive at a fortune 500 company.

If you could have a lunch date with one Lady Boss you admire – who would that be and what would you ask her? 

It would be Michelle Obama, a true entrepreneur who is constantly showing women new possibilities. I would ask her for the strategy behind maintaining such exceptional professionalism and composure during challenging times as first lady of the US and her entrepreneurship strategy after her exit. Her book “Becoming” is showing us all that she has more to offer. 

3 book recommendations for entrepreneurs? 

Think & Grow Rich, Hug Your Customer and The Better Business Book Vol 4.

The social media platform that has helped your business the most is? 


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