Toyin Sanni: Dump The Stereotype

Have you ever found yourself envying your male colleagues because of the freedom they have not to bother about makeup, hairdos, nails or even high heels? Certainly I have.

I truly wish I could go about with my makeup-free face, hair pulled back into a no-nonsense bun and flat shoes without attracting pitying looks or the words, “Are you okay?”, usually emanating from a “well-meaning” female colleague or friend.

Why do women as a group so often sabotage ourselves? Why can’t we understand that the more we adhere to stereotypes and rush to challenge everyone of our gender who dares to look, sound or act different from the norm, the more we confine ourselves to the limited and limiting corner assigned to us by the controllers of the entire workplace game? Don’t mind the politically correct but often empty “equal opportunities workplace” mantra.

Is there an up-side at all to being a female professional? Could there be? Are there ways we can perfect the act of leveraging our unique capabilities to highlight our strengths and demand a premium for them.

Well, the one thing that’s clear to me is that no one is going to hand over what we want to us, on a platter of gold. We are going to have to push and keep pushing, until we have it.

As you buckle up into the roller-coaster ride of a new work week, please remember to be strategic in defining your role and those of other women around you.

Culled from TFS Corner 

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