It’s important to be supportive and understanding of the change-maker or startup founder in your life. You might not understand their reasoning or passion, but remember, your response to their work goes a long way.
Here are a few things to remember as you interact with your entrepreneurial, innovative family member or friend or even neighbor.
Ask questions.
Entrepreneurs are a passionate breed. Sometimes, nothing means more to them than asking questions about their organization, their progress or the social problem they’re tackling. an Entepreneur’s work is what captivates their minds day and night, so giving them the opportunity to share more about what they’re up to can make them feel validated and supported.
Be encouraging.
Be encouraging to the entrepreneur in your life. You don’t need to know anything about business to remind your loved one that they’re valued, loved and they’re trying their best. These words will go a long way on hard days.
Don’t call it a project.
Calling an Entrepreneurs work a “project” undervalues their efforts and makes them feel like you might view this time in their life as a “phase,” or something that is merely temporary.

Support or donate to their organization.
When Entrpreneurs launch, it’s good to know they have the support of families and close friends. Even if you buy just one item, or pay a certain amount for a service, it shows you’re engaged and that you believe in their work enough to invest financially. No matter the amount, it will make a difference.
Provide Access to New Customers.
All business is people. Growing businesses need to grow their networks and when you open up your network or find ways to help them grow their networks, you directly help them grow. (ps: Not opening up your network makes you a hater)