#WomenWeLove: 6 reasons why Arese Ugwu and Nnenna Okoye are BFF Goals

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a friend that loves them unconditionally and is there to catch them when it looks like they’re falling. You know that one you call and cry on phone for like one whole hour and they’re still on the line, and when they’re done comforting you, they carry your matter on their head just to ensure that you’re feeling better.

These ladies have shown us time without number what Best Friend Goals should look like. Arese Ugwu and Nnenna Okoye have been best friends for 22 years and counting. Arese Ugwu is the founder of Smart Money Africa, while her BFF is the founder of Youtopia Beauty.

Please tell me how your business will go bankrupt when you have a friend like Arese, or why would your skin be anything less than flawless when you have a friend like Nnenna?

Enough of my blabbering though, here are 6 reasons why Arese Ugwu and Nnenna Okoye are BFF Goals.

  • They show up for each other; they never miss out on important moments in their lives. If you don’t have a bestie, just don’t bother looking at their social media. (FYI, this is to save you from jealousy. Hahaha…)
  • They learn from each other; In Arese’s birthday message to her BFF Nnenna, she wrote ‘’I have learnt so much on how to be a mother, how to be a wife, how to be a friend from you! How to do my makeup and even how to look after expensive gifts’’
  • They are each other’s support system; they have seen each other through amazing moments and trying periods, and they have come out stronger each time. According to one of them, God ordained their friendship (And I totally agree).

  • They push each other in the direction of their goals; Arese and Nnenna are both very successful in their businesses. (I need this type of friendship. Well, prayer point for 2018!)
  • They are both Role Models worthy of emulation; their success stories are very inspiring. They carry themselves with so much grace and grandeur and they are still very approachable. One look at these ladies and you want to pursue your dreams with all it takes to achieve them. Their line of business is concerned with helping women become the best version of themselves. Arese is teaching women to be financially free while Nnenna is helping women look flawlessly beautiful without breaking the bank.

  • They both have the best wardrobe in the entire universe; (yes I said that) who doesn’t want to show up at an owambe (Owambe means Party… for my Non Nigerian sisters.) looking all fly with their bestie. Arese and Nnenna always serve us major fashion goals every time they show up.
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