7 Lady Boss quotes to keep you inspired

Being a Lady can be hard sometimes, and it’s easy to lose drive sometimes, we hope these 7 Lady Boss quotes help give you that push you need and keep you inspired.

7 Lady Boss quotes to keep you inspired

And that visibility which makes us most vulnerable is that which also is the greatest source of our strength Audre Lorde

Your story is not essentially about you, it is important to tell our stories because each and every one of us is a story in motion.

Francisca Uriri

Everyone has challenges, focus on the positive and not the negative. Do not allow your challenges define YOU!

 Jumoke Adenowo

We are more powerful when we support each other.

 Taiwo Ajayi Lycett

We are visionaries; we see the bigger picture before anyone else does. We create the bigger picture; we accomplish the goals many are afraid to think of. But once you’ve reached your goals, create more goals, create happiness, create love, and create a platform for others to do same.

Malita Rice

Only you can fix you. It doesn’t matter how many have doubted you. Remain passionate and keep striving to be more.

 Peace Hyde

There is something you can do that no one else can do. There is only one YOU. You are one of a kind.

Dr Caroline Leaf

You failed, so what?

Leading Ladies Africa

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