Why we love Sasha Nycole

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There are so many amazing women and we love meeting them. Sasha Nycole is one of those! We loved her at first sight and we think you would love her too, after you read up why we love her. 

She slays! 

We love women who know how to work it when it comes to style and fashion. Sasha is one of those. We’ve seen a few of her pictures and we loved what we saw. Yeah we know we promote entrepreneurship and excellence but a woman who slays? We can’t overlook too 

She’s got brains too

Now you know she’s the total package. As an entertainment host, on-air talent and content creator.  She’s constantly creating great content for her audience.  She has her production company, Sasha Nycole Entertainment LLC., where she houses her creative skills and a host of others.

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She’s more action and less talk

Many women just use the hashtag #WomenSupportingWomen but never really do it. Sasha is not one of them. Read what she says ” My personal take on “women supporting women” is that its presence needs to be seen and felt more in actual life rather than just living on social media with a hashtag in front of it. What are we doing in our everyday interactions to help build and uplift one another? Does #womenempowerment only exist when there’s an audience present to sing your praises for doing something that we should already be doing? I look forward to those real-life interactions when your fellow sister can call and pray with you over the phone or can selflessly create an opportunity for you without threat of missing out on an opportunity for themselves. That’s my take on it.” 


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