Tinky Ogle is helping SMMEs get all the relevant information they need one publication at a time

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You will agree with us that small businesses need access to great, relevant and  timely advice. 

Tinky Ogle is palying a key role in making this possible. She is the founderr of  SMME News, a free bilingual educational and location-agnostic newspaper aimed at enriching the key aspects of SMME life. It targets formal and informal businesses in the Small, Medium and Micro-Enterprises (SMME) sector and aims to play a major role in the dissemination of information and advice, as well as serving as an open forum for SMME stakeholders.

She started this business after realizing the demand for information training , business advosory and social information among SMMEs What even makes the publication special? While most business publications tend to concentrate on the urbanites and elites with a readership based in the major cities of South Africa, SMME News has positioned itself more as a rural, semi-urban and M-L LSM SMME publication. This is the path that SMME News is taking – on a mission to become “The Heartbeat of the Small Enterprises”

SMME News offers a quality brand with a unique style of writing and diversity on the subjects so as to ensure that each and every aspect of SMME life is covered. It prov ides access to information and advice on various issues such as taxation, financing, business management, etc., through well researched articles, interviews and advertorials. Our aim is to equip small entrepreneurs with the necessary expertise required to face the challenges of an internationally competitive economy and also strengthen cohesion between small enterprises while leveling the playing field between the rural, semi-urban and urban small enterprises.

Tinky loves the fact that she is her own boss, so she gets to make the rules, express her work style freely and challenge herself. But more than anything, she gets to have an impact on so many lives through the success of the business.

Her biggest advice to entrepreneurs is this “Be prepared to work hard, and then some.”



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