10 Things We Love About Luvvie Ajayi


Hey you! Yes, you! Don’t look the other way! Yes, you exactly! I’m judging you! Yes, I said it! Deal with it!

For the records, Luvvie is the one judging all of us. You wonder why we love her? Perhaps because she’s bold enough to. Luvvie Ajayi is an American based Nigerian digital strategist and writer who won the world’s heart in 2016 with her New York Times best-selling book ‘I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual’. She’s a socio-political critic who has gotten the likes of Oprah to fall in love with her works. Apparently, Oprah is not the only one who loves Luvvie. Here are our top ten reasons why we think even you should fall in love with her.

She made a huge ‘yes’ out of a ‘no’

Just when others would have resorted to self-pity and resentment after being laid off from work, Luvvie made a better decision of making something tangible of her creativity. She gave no room for whatever mattered less and became her own employer and employee.

She Is Not Afraid To Judge or Be Judged

We can’t love her enough for her objectivity. We know how quite challenging it can be to be as true to ourselves as to others. Luvvie is judging everyone and not leaving herself out, definitely a worthy lesson for the rest of us.

She is smartly humourous

Luvvie is a humour strategist. She usually passes her message through an unusual medium: humour, and she knows how to go about it. She doesn’t just make us laugh. To her, humour is a great equalizer which breaks defenses and gives room for serious talk.

She Is Loud

Yes, she’s loud and for a good reason. She says what others are sometimes too cautious to say. As long as it needs to be said, sorted and gotten off the chest, Luvvie is the unapologetic go-to girl.


She Is Modern, Yet Old School

Luvvie is one of the new age women who have not lost their right-thinking touch. She’s a respecter of morality and will continue to find fault with a world where people see no wrong in disrespecting others and demeaning values.

She Is Consistently Stubborn

Luvvie was definitely not taught how to quit. Perhaps she was, but chose to learn the opposite. Luvvie goes on and on. She’s one great achiever who continues to take classes in consistency. This is reflective in her career, her strong beliefs and the choices she makes.

If She Doesn’t See It, She Gets To Write It

While a number of women get to whine and grumble, Luvvie gets to act. She is such woman who refuses to sit and speak blindly or fantasize about change, she would rather get up and find something doing to make that change happen. She creates the change she wants to see.

She is everywhere you can possibly be

Luvvie is definitely not here for the play, she is out to reach everyone. Her voice cuts across social, political and cultural facets of life. So when she says she’s out to judge you, she’s definitely out to judge you.

Her Love Language Is Shoes

Luvvie sure knows how to bring together a community of diverse women through a common statement-making bond: shoes! What’s more, it’s how she promotes a great cause for humanity, which is speaking up on the impacts of HIV/AIDS among women and girls.

She Is the ‘Do-Better’ Girl

With Luvvie, it can only get better and bigger. There are no limits.

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