Sister Squad: 5 Ways Being Part of a Female Friend Group Fosters Growth

1. Female friends offer honesty and feedback

One of the pillars of good friendship is trust. As women, we can trust our close female friends to always offer their own advice and be honest when we seek out their option or advice. Even at times when it may not be easy to hear, this truthful reflection is so helpful to help us gain clarity and see the bigger picture.

Female friends act as our personal sounding boards who listen to your thoughts and ideas before offering feedback. Whether you’re wondering about whether a romantic relationship is working, you have a new business idea, or you simply don’t know what to wear on your next date, a female friend can be invaluable in helping you talk through issues and offer a wider perspective and opinion. After walking away from a conversation with a good female friend you should feel confident and supported.


2. Female friends reduce loneliness and isolation

Research shows that close female friendships are more important for women than they are for men. Spending time with girlfriends releases serotonin and oxytocin- the bonding hormones- and these connections are important to us as women to thrive in wellness. With the added stress, pressure and hectic nature of modern day life, spending time with those close to us allows us to simply be ourselves, minus the outside pressure.

Furthermore, in a world of texting and virtual communication, spending time with girlfriends helps to ease the feelings of isolation that the modern world can evoke. Studies have shown this ‘hyper connectedness’ via the virtual world can actually leave women feeling emotionally alienated. Proving that real life, face to face friendships, are more important than ever before.


3. Female friends allow you to access your feminine energy

In a world where we often prioritise masculine traits (productivity, success, growth, strength etc) female friendships help you to remember to drop back into your feminine qualities also. When we are around other women, you can relax, unwind and tune in to your own emotions and intuition.Feminine energy is strong, resilient, kind, motherly, honest and uplifting. Being around other women is a chance to ‘let our guard down’ and have fun, dance, be creative, talk openly and be nurturing. So much of modern day life is spent in the masculine energy of ‘doing’ but being with close girlfriends allows us to surrender to that beautiful place of simply ‘being.’

4. Female friends make us stronger

One of the most beautiful things about female friendships is its strength. Female friendship is an astounding source of confidence, reassurance, comfort, joy and candour that can truly guide you through life. Our female friends help to build us up and remind us that we have what it takes to follow our dreams and seize the day. Female friends become your best cheerleaders.They are there to encourage you when you have doubts, to pick you up when you feel flat and to ultimately remind you of all of your own inner strength and confidence.

This support system helps you to feel strong enough to get through anything life throws your way. As we age, female friends also challenge us to try new things, act as mentors in our personal and professional lives and push us to excel in all areas of life (in a loving way!)


5. Female friendships are reliable

Female friendships allow you to have a safe space you can always go to whenever you need to vent, cry, or simply talk something out. Your girlfriends will listen, share your feelings, reason with you, and likely leave you with solutions and a much brighter demeanour.

As women we are also naturally empathic, meaning we can resonate and relate when other women are sharing something important or emotional. In this way, when we share with our close friends, we feel seen, heard and understood. A lot of the time, this alone helps us to feel better and ease the load.

This Article was culled from Escape Haven

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