Michelle Dede one of Africa’s most bankable showbiz personalities. But the road hasn’t always been easy or paved with gold. In her inspiring LLA interview, Michelle gives insight into the process and the journey, the moments of joy, the challenges and why it’s important to stay focused and prepare for opportunities. Here are 5 lessons that can help the working stay focused and on the right lane.
- Create your own opportunities. Try something new. Don’t let inexperience hold you back.
- If you don’t believe in your abilities, no one else will.
- Be discerning, have high standards, be respectful to all that cross your path, remain humble and thankful for every opportunity that comes.
- Don’t say no to job opportunities that come your way. Don’t be so afraid of failure, live and learn from your mistakes and fight fear. Have more faith; God is in control of what you can’t control. Laugh more and don’t date men that act like little boys!
- Do not take no for an answer, be persistent, look for opportunities in different places. Never beg for help, instead learn, train, practice, audition till you get one” yes”. Then when you get that “Yes” don’t take it for granted, work hard and keep getting better.
Have patience, work hard, pray and persevere, don’t give up!