Adobi Stella Nwapa has been appointed as Executive Director, Zenith Bank.
With over 30 years’ cognate experience in banking, being a pioneer staff of the bank since 1990. She possesses robust institutional memory and background, honed from the Bank’s foundation as the pioneer customer service officer.
She has held several senior management positions in the Bank, including business development and branch and zonal management, and treasury.
Prior to her appointment as Executive Director, she was General Manager and Group Zonal Head of Ikoyi Zone as well as Group Head of Diaspora banking.
Mrs. Nwapa is a Fellow of several institutes, including the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC), the Institute of Credit Administration (ICA), the Institute of Chartered Management Specialists (ICMA), and the Institute of Management Specialists (IMS), United Kingdom. She is also a member of the Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM) and an honorary member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers (HCIB).