#LLALookout: The Nigerian Super Falcons are urging the Nigerian Football Federation to pay up outstanding fees going as far back as 2021

A 2011 study’s findings casted a shadow over women’s sports, highlighting the glaring inequality between Olympic coverage and everyday news content. The study revealed that during the Olympic Games, women’s sports take center stage in the sports pages, often rivalling the attention given to men’s sports. However, this promising visibility sharply contrasts with the meager coverage women’s sports receive in regular news.

Regrettably, as we fast-forward 12 years from the study’s publication, little progress has been made in rectifying this stark gender imbalance.

In a recent development on August 8, the Nigerian Super Falcons, in collaboration with FIFPRO, have issued a resounding call to the Nigerian Football Federation. Their demand: to promptly settle outstanding payments, some of which stretch back to 2021.

According to the statement, “The team is extremely frustrated that they have had to pursue the Nigeria Football Federation for these pavments before and during the tournament and may have to continue doing so afterwards. It is regrettable that players needed to challenge their own federation at such an important time in their careers.”

The ongoing gender gap in sports remains a poignant issue, amplified by the fact that despite their unwavering dedication to the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, these athletes are still having to plead for their rightful earnings.

Let’s underscore the importance of women’s sports. It’s every bit as vital as men’s sports. Female athletes invest equal effort alongside their male counterparts and unequivocally deserve timely and just compensation

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