LLA Interview features Head of Partnerships and Projects at Bella Naija, Omotunde Ibironke

What is your morning routine when preparing for work?

First, let me declare that I am not a morning person. Because of this, I make serious effort to start my day but once I find a Rhythm, I’m good to go. I do my general clean-ups, fix something light (if I’m hungry) and resume at my Home-Desk. The First thing I do at this point is to take a look at my notepad for pendings from the previous day and set new goals for the day.

What kind of babe are you? Get coffee when you get to the office or Open your laptop and scroll through your itinerary? 

Definitely the latter. I am not a Coffee Person. Neither am I big on breakfast *Covers Face*

So it is my Laptop over these.

In 5 statements, what is it like being a 9-5 babe?

It is Challenging *In a Good Way*

It is Self -Developing 

It is a Necessity *Those bills won’t pay themselves* 

It is a Good Route to being Responsible / Financial Sustainability 

Finally, It can be ‘One-Kind’ Sometimes. There are days I don’t want to do anything.

What’s the most interesting thing about your job and Why?

The most Interesting Thing about my Job is how much room it creates for Personal Development. Outside KPIs and JDs, my job exposes me to fresh opportunities each day and there is always room to get better while at it and prove yourself as well.

What’s the first thing  that comes to mind when your 9-5 pay comes in?

Ah! This one is Tough o! I’d say seeing the amount in my savings account increase is one thing. Just that joy of having more.

What’s your weekend self care routine? 

I am an Introvert so my weekends are spent in my room with Netflix and my Laptop OR Creating content/editing. However, on days when I have to step out, I am either grocery shopping, at the salon or spa or visiting a friend.

What are some of the most significant challenges you’ve faced in your career, and how did you overcome them?

Taking on new roles has always come with a certain Fright. The Fear of not being sure you can handle things as you should. However, My Workplace has been able to create room for assistance and that constant assurance of knowing someone is always there to guide has been a soothing point for me at these stage(s)

What are some skills or areas you’re currently working on to further develop in your career?

Taking Courses to expand my knowledge. I am currently going heavy on Project Management. Every Field has this aspect to it and so, It is something to gain more knowledge on/of

How do you approach networking and building meaningful connections as a 9-5 babe?

As an introvert, it can be a struggle but when the days come to step out and show up, I do! Also as the Head of Partnerships and Projects at my Workplace, you need to keep your network chain long enough. With this, I leave conversations at ‘Hello’ and ensure I am not too far away from prospective clients and relationships. Also, having ‘Meaningful Conversations’ is a key point. There is a need to keep them interested and want to hear more when next they see you OR you get on a call.


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