Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green is a physicist best known as the first person to have successful cured cancer in mice using laser-activated nanoparticles. She specializes in targeted cancer therapeutics, using laser-activated nanoparticles and immunotherapies to develop biomarker-specific platforms to target, image, and treat malignant tumors.
Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green’s research interests include laser treatments for cancer, immunotherapy, nanoparticle conjugation, biomarker targeting, drug delivery and translational studies and clinical trials.
Her method consists of using an FDA-approved drug containing nanoparticles that are injected into the subject, which causes the cancer tumors to glow when under imaging equipment. The laser then activates the nanoparticles by heating them, and because it identifies cancer cells during the procedure, healthy cells are not affected.
Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green completed her bachelor of science in physics with a concentration in optics and minor in mathematics from Alabama A&M University in 1999. She received her master of science in physics with a concentration in Nanobiophotonics in 2009 and her PhD in physics in 2012 from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.