Career Quick Five with Lindiwe Fasani Mmeta, Nurse and Maternal Health Lead

Career Quick Five with Lindiwe Fasani Mmeta, Nurse and Maternal Health Lead

Lindiwe Fasani Mmeta is a registered nurse with a rich background in both healthcare and project management. Her career trajectory demonstrates a steady progression of responsibility. Beginning as a nurse lead, she honed her clinical skills before advancing to the role of clinical trainer. Currently, Lindiwe serves as the Project Manager for the MCH (Maternal and Child Health) program supporting the South Sub district of Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, South Africa. In this role,she oversees and manages interventions related to maternity, pediatrics, and sexual reproductive health. Her primary objective is to improve health outcomes associated with HIV/AIDS, STIs, and Tuberculosis.

Lindiwe’s dual roles have fostered a unique combination of clinical expertise and leadership skills. This enables her to effectively manage projects that enhance patient care and optimize operational efficiency within the healthcare system.

1. What leadership qualities do you admire and strive to develop in yourself?

As a project manager and registered nurse, I admire and strive to develop qualities like effective communication, empathy, informed decision-making, adaptability, and team building. Integrity, visionary thinking, and time management are vital, as is mentorship to support team growth. These qualities ensure a productive, ethical workplace and high standards of patient care.

2. How have you learnt to say no gracefully when needed, especially for things that encroach upon your boundaries?

I’ve mastered saying no gracefully by using the sandwich method and by picking my words carefully. I strategically soften up the receiver by expressing my gratitude for their consideration of me, however, I am unable to do the task as asked, and I will give clear explanations to ensure the recipient understands my position. Where possible, I offer recommendations for those I believe would be better suited to complete the assignment. That way, I don’t insult people and don’t violate my boundaries. Setting boundaries is essential to preserving a balanced work environment that improves both physical and mental health.

3. Do you prioritize salary and benefits, or company culture and mission when choosing a job?

My goal is to excel in my work to the extent that my expertise speaks for itself, allowing me to command my desired compensation. Throughout my career, prioritizing my mental health is essential. I thrive in environments that align with my values, beliefs, and objectives. While financial rewards are important, a company’s culture and mission are paramount to my satisfaction and productivity. There is nothing worse than being well-compensated but unhappy.

4. What is your go-to outfit for when you need to conquer a big challenge?

A black suit is an unstoppable force. Black represents power, elegance and class. Black is a safe colour yet makes a statement. Pair it with a crisp white shirt and a good pair of heels, that is enough to stand on business!

5. What is that one thing every woman just starting out her career should know?

Learning is an ongoing process. The foundation phase is all that you learned in school; the workplace is a different story. Acquiring knowledge builds confidence, distinguishes you from others and refines your skills. Knowledge makes you resourceful, increasing theinfluence you have on others. The greatest and most powerful weapon you have, that no one can take away from you, is knowledge. Never stop learning.

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