Career Quick Five with Dr. Khadija Hashi

Dr. Khadija is a dynamic and multifaceted individual who has made a significant impact in the fields of medicine, social media, and mentorship. Born and raised with a passion for healthcare, she pursued her dreams and earned her medical degree from a prestigious institution.

As a medical doctor, Dr. Khadija has dedicated her career to the betterment of people’s health. Her clinical expertise, compassion, and unwavering commitment to patient care have earned her respect within the medical community.

She has been at the forefront of medical research and global health, continually expanding her knowledge and skills to provide the highest quality healthcare.

Beyond her medical practice, she has harnessed the power of social media and videography to become a prominent influencer. Through her online presence,
she has effectively communicated health-related information, while shedding light on her busy lifestyle of a doctor . Her engaging content has garnered a vast following, allowing her to reach and educate a broad audience on various health topics.

However, what truly sets Dr. Khadija apart is her role as a role model, especially for young girls. Her journey from aspiring medical student to accomplished doctor and influential figure has inspired countless young women to pursue careers in medicine and other male-dominated fields. She actively mentors and supports aspiring healthcare professionals, offering guidance and encouragement to help them achieve their goals.

Dr. Khadija’s remarkable ability to balance her medical career, social media influence, and mentorship role showcases her dedication to empowering and uplifting others. She continues to be an inspiration, demonstrating that with determination, hard work, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact, one can achieve excellence in multiple facets of life.

1. What’s your strategy for building strong professional relationships

Networking: Actively network with peers, mentors, and colleagues within your industry or field. Building a broad network can provide opportunities for collaborations and valuable insights.

Mentorship : Offer mentorship and guidance to others when appropriate. Sharing your expertise can create strong bonds and contribute to the growth of your profession.

2. If your morning routine was a movie genre, what kind of movie would it be?

Romantic comedy with dash of action. Idealistically I would want my morning to be slow , romanticise my morning and light a candle but realistically it’s chaotic with my early mornings shift at the hospital .

3. What’s your approach to maintaining a professional online presence and personal brand?

Being authentic and being true with yourself,that’s the best way your followers will resonate with you and find you relatable.Thus engage with you and look up to you

4. Share your “Note to Self” that you read every morning for inspiration.

Don’t forget to breath, because this career is very fast paced we deal different spectrums from life to death,and our patients are very vulnerable. So whatever the outcome of each individual patient, it can really take a toll on your emotional and mental health.Processing situations as they happen and being present in the moment really helps ,so take deep breaths as we deal with each situation

5. What advice would you give to young women entering the workforce or starting their careers?

Make sure you do what you love ,do what exhilarates you , and what gives you endless endorphins. imposter syndrome tends to creep in whenever you starting off but kick that feeling to the curb and believe that you deserve to be there.

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