“Being Yourself is the most powerful beauty product available”- Hermon and Heroda Berhane.

Talk about disability not being inability, twin sisters- Hermon and Heroda Berhane born and raised in Asmara, Eritrea before moving to London are breaking the norm and speaking up for inclusion and diversity. Both sister’s mysteriously lost their hearing at 7, with no medical explanation to moved to prove what was wrong with them. They eventually got into boarding school, learnt the British Sign Language and found a family in the deaf community. Today, they are trendy fashion bloggers, who make sure their voices are heard as a brand.

Beyond fashion blogging, Hermon acts while Heroda models.Their brand “Being HER”  by Hermon and Heroda is a sibling concept blog showcasing affordable Eritrean fashion, Travel, Lifestyle, Beauty and Diversity. Through their digital platforms, they show people fashion, lifestyle and travel do not have to be expensive and while at it, also dispel the narrative of disables being incapable

These fashion muses are breaking down barriers for the deaf, women of colour, and artists from all spheres. Their platform advocates for disabled individuals to be accepted into various fields.

Way to go ladies!

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