Aisha Adamu Augie, Hannatu Musawa, Hadiza Galadanci, Amal Hassan, Hauwa Abbas, Rahama Sadau, Maryam Augie-Abdulmumin, and more! — Here are 40 Women from Northern Nigeria Redefining Leadership.

From groundbreaking healthcare initiatives to revolutionary businesses, from powerful advocacy platforms to electrifying performances, Northern women are lighting up Nigeria, weaving threads of progress and empowerment across the social fabric. 

For so long, their stories have been whispered in hushed tones, their voices muffled by cultural barriers and stereotypes. Yet, despite this, their impact on their communities, in the nation and on the continent as a whole cannot be ignored. 

As part of Leading Ladies Africa’s goal to challenge gender norms and advance leadership equity for women and girls, we present to you 40 incredible women from Northern Nigeria, who are advancing leadership, and making outstanding impact. 

This list highlights a diversity of women – doctors, activists, actresses, entrepreneurs, and more – who are challenging norms, advancing gender equity, breaking barriers, and illuminating the path for future generations.


Aisha Adamu Abdullahi

Aisha Abdullahi Adamu — She is the Executive Director of New Age Group, a conglomerate that specializes in the distribution of  various products, including frozen foods, seafood, poultry, crop trading, and petroleum products. Prior to the establishment of New Age Group, she founded Ivory Celebrations in 2013, a procurement company that offers a diverse spectrum from luxury to commercial goods and services. With an unwavering commitment to maximizing the potential of the girl child through quality education, she continues to lead the Child Rights Foundation, a legacy founded by her mum, Hajiya Khadijah Adamu, in 2000. In over 2 decades, the organization has made great social impact across Nigeria. These include the construction of schools and clinics, the initiation of numerous school feeding programs. 

She also leads Aisha Cares, a series of initiatives focused on women’s advocacy and empowerment. Part of the initiatives includes educating female undergraduates across Nigerian universities on the tools they need to succeed after school. Under Aisha Cares, she recently hosted an annual conference tagged The Bridge. The event focused on empowering women with praticable insights on personal and professional growth. It also presented participants the opportunity to connect and build valuable relationships with other women across various industries.

Aisha Adamu Augie

Aisha Adamu Augie — She is the Director-General of the Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilisation (CBAAC), an agency of the Federal Ministry of Art, Culture and the Creative Economy. Prior to this role, Aisha was the Special Adviser (Digital Communications Strategy) to the Federal Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning. She was also previously the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor of Kebbi State, Nigeria on New Media. 

Beyond her governmental roles, Aisha is a passionate advocate for youth and women empowerment. She leads various development initiatives, utilizing her influence to advocate for policies and programs that positively impact the lives of youth and women across Nigeria. Her dedication to empowerment aligns with broader national goals of fostering inclusive growth and equitable opportunities.

Aisha Shaibu

Aisha Shuaibu — She is the founder of restaurant business, Waffle Way, the managing director of business solutions company, SWA Global, and the president of sports marketing agency, SWA Sports. She is an entrepreneur with the experience and skill set for business management and brand development. Aisha is a creative with a gift for ideation and strategic growth, providing value to industries in Nigeria and across the African continent.  

Outside the business world, Aisha is passionate about gender equality and inclusion advocacy. She champions the rights of women and youth by bringing attention to systemic barriers faced by marginalized communities.

Aisha Tofa

Aisha Tofa — She is the founder of a technology incubation hub and co-working space, Startup Kano Limited. ‘Being female,’ all she wanted to do was express herself, her dreams, aspirations, and challenges, as a female living in Northern Nigeria. She has created an ecosystem for young creative people to thrive— a place where they can build or start something big and meaningful and at the same time creating a safe space for women to have purpose and be self-employed from their comfort zones. 

She has gone on to found one of the largest tech hubs in the region, helped budding startups raise millions of dollars, and earned recognition from the United Nations for her contribution to the Nigerian tech ecosystem. She has mentored over 500 startups from different industries in the Ecosystem and has led some of these startups to acquire almost $1,000,000 in funding. 

Amal Hassan

Amal Hassan — She is the founder of Outsource Global, a Nigerian contact centre business process outsourcing company. It specialises in delivering BPO solutions, telemarketing, IT services, software development, and customer support services to the international market. She is a technopreneur with diverse interests across different technology verticals. In 2013, she founded Outsource Global which has established its presence with offices in Abuja, Lagos, and Kaduna.

In her quest to create employment opportunities for Nigerian youths, she did her research and discovered that BPO servicing provides millions of jobs to the Indians. She found out that Americans have been outsourcing their customer services to Indians since 1980, and she thought ‘Why not Nigeria’. To address this, she transitioned the company’s business model to a partnership approach. This involved collaborating with experts in various fields such as law, accounting, and software development to design tailored training programs that bridged the gap between academic knowledge and practical skills required by the international market.

Ameera Abraham

Ameera Abraham — She is the CEO and Spa Director of The Nail Bar, a luxury nail spa and wellness centre and the founder of Nigeria’s premier professional nail care brand Amali Cosmetics. She is the author of “The Full Set”,  a resourceful guide for other entrepreneurs and business owners, backed by her own business experiences. She also serves as the Director of Communications at the Spa and Wellness Association of Africa.

She is a strong advocate for women and children’s rights, and enlightening and empowering women in and their various fields of life.

Amina Abubakar

Amina Abubakar Bello — She is the First Lady of Niger State, Nigeria and an obstetrician, gynecologist and human rights activist. In 2016, she established the Raise Foundation. The organization has been advocating for better health for women, particularly in the areas of breast and cervical cancer screening and treatment, emphasizing that cervical cancer is the fourth largest cause of death among women and affects around 4.1 million people. 

Through her foundation and with support from the Mainstream Foundation, Bello established a state-of-the-art women’s development center in Kontagora meant to provide healthcare services to women affected by vesicovaginal fistula (VVF). In her position as First Lady of Niger State she has made tremendous contributions to Gender Based Violence acts in the state, in conjunction with the Governor of the state, a law has been put into place that will help curb the cases of Gender Based Violence in the state and give room for proper legal actions to be taken against perpetrators.

Justice Amina Auguie

Justice Amina Augie — She was appointed as a Supreme Court Justice in Nigeria on November 7, 2016, making her the sixth woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice in Nigeria, the highest court in the country.

In this role, she brought her legal expertise, experience, and commitment to upholding justice and the rule of law. Her position as a Supreme Court Justice positioned her as a key figure in the dispensation of justice, contributing to the legal evolution and the protection of constitutional rights within Nigeria. Over the course of her career she has continuously advocated for human and women’s rights and has been awarded with merit awards from diverse organizations. Her appointment challenges the masculine identity of law in Nigeria and is evidence of progress and further acceptance of women in law in Africa, particularly Nigeria. In addition to this, she continues the legacy of previous female Supreme Court Judges and is setting the stage for more women to progress higher within the Judiciary.

Amina J. Mohammed

Amina J. Mohammed — She is the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Mohammed served as Minister of Environment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria where she steered the country’s efforts on climate action and efforts to protect the natural environment. 

Her extensive experience in environmental matters, coupled with her current responsibilities at the United Nations, positions her as a key figure in global efforts towards sustainable development. Her journey from a national leadership role in climate action to a prominent position in the international arena reflects her unwavering commitment to addressing pressing global challenges and driving positive change on a larger scale.

Amina Yuguda

Amina Yuguda — She is a Nigerian journalist and news presenter affiliated with the local network Gotel Television. Her journalistic focus centers on highlighting significant stories from Northern Nigeria, particularly those related to the Boko Haram insurgency. Notably, she received the prestigious 2019 BBC World News Komla Dumor Award for her outstanding contributions to journalism.

Currently, Amina Yuguda serves as an Assistant Director in the office of the Vice President for University Relations at the American University of Nigeria. Beyond her work in journalism, she has ventured into producing a mini-documentary series titled “The Real Africa,” showcasing her versatility and commitment to portraying diverse narratives.

Amrah Aliyu

Amrah Aliyu — She is a youth activist and a Gender and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) advocate with experience in Advocacy and Communications. She is also the author of a poetry book named “Breasts are Names of Flowers” and the Executive Director of Salma Attah Foundation for Women & Girls Support, a non-profit designed to make an impact in the lives of women and girls. She is also the convener of TedX Minna and continues to advance Women’sand Girls’ rights by collaborating with NGOs in the capacity of media aide and project coordinator.

Blessing Liman

Blessing Liman — She is the First Female Captain in the Presidential Air Fleet. She also holds the distinction of being the first female military pilot in the Nigerian Air Force. Blessing was enlisted in July 2011 and commissioned on December 9th of the same year, and has undergone rigorous training programs both in Nigeria and abroad, including the United States, United Kingdom, Greece, Pakistan, and Egypt. 

Originating from Zango Kataf, Kaduna, her contributions as part of the SP-24A set of pilots, known as the “Knights of the Air,” have solidified her as an iconic figure in the aviation industry, breaking gender barriers and setting new standards of achievement.

Fati Abubakar

Fati AbubakarShe is a documentary photographer, a photojournalist, and a public health worker. She tells stories through the lens of her camera, covering the good, the bad, and the ugly of different places. She focuses on health issues in underrepresented communities and takes photos of cultures, countering urban poverty narratives, conflict situations, rural development, and humanitarian issues. In 2015, she embarked on a project “Bits of Borno” in a bid to showcase her hometown Borno State Nigeria at the time of Boko Haram. This documented project of hers gained popularity on social media and has been shown in big newspapers and websites like the New York Times and the BBC. She’s also worked with organizations like UNICEF and NPR. 

She sits as the creative director of her nonprofit organization, Fati Abubakar Arts Foundation, which is aimed at education in the area of digital literacy; photography, videography, audio documentaries, and social media. Her foundation has supported young people by providing arts education training, traveling across Borno State to help them document their hometowns, their families, and their communities, and helping new generations report stories as they experience them. Fati continues to encourage citizen journalism and community-based storytelling, as she captures the seen and the unseen stories in a bid to preserve cultural heritage. 

Fatima Mamza

Fatima MamzaShe is the CEO of Mamza Beauty Limited, a make-up artist and beautician. Under her leadership, Mamza Beauty Limited has become synonymous with excellence, integrity, and innovation in the beauty industry. From curated collections to signature services, every aspect of the brand reflects her unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Her dedication to her craft, coupled with her entrepreneurial spirit, has earned her the respect and admiration of peers and clients alike. Fatima continues to push the boundaries of beauty and redefine industry standards, she remains a beacon of inspiration and a driving force for positive change in the ever-evolving world of beauty.

Hauwa Abbas Hadeija

Hauwa Abbas Hadeija — She is the Founder of Silver Lining Initiative, The Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative (SLNI), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Nigerians facing poverty.

Through SLNI, Hauwa has touched the lives of over half a million people, providing support to mothers and babies, and ensuring thousands of children have access to education by paying their school fees and providing uniforms. Her dedication extends beyond SLNI. Recognizing the specific challenges faced by women living with HIV, Hauwa founded Pearl Acts in 2012, a support group offering them a safe space and community. 

Hauwa’s approach to humanitarian work is unique. She combines a global perspective with a deep understanding of local needs, allowing her to implement impactful programs that drive positive change within communities. Also, her influence extends beyond Nigeria’s borders. She is a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation, using her skills to help clients navigate their goals, values, and fears to achieve greater mental well-being. 

Hauwa Liman

Hauwa Liman — She is an accomplished Youth Development Strategist and Practitioner with over a decade of experience in empowering under-served communities through collaborative initiatives. She
has extensive experience in Youth and community engagement, program design and implementation, and impact assessment. She has won recognition for her visionary leadership, strategic thinking,
and ability to forge impactful partnerships.  She founded the Inspire for Impact Initiative – an award-winning women and youth- centered initiative focused on human capital development and the empowerment of women and young people to establish micro and small business to drive sustainable social change. An Inspire for Impact Initiative project on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1 won the Leveraging Innovation in New Communities Award from the US Department of State in

Hauwa is a recipient of numerous local and international awards. In 2016, she was selected a Mandela Washington Fellow, a flagship program launched by former US President Barack Obama to
identify promising young African leaders with the potential to promote innovation and make positive change in their communities and countries. Hauwa was also selected as one of the top 50
emerging global policy leaders by the British Council in 2017. She was a member of the British Council’s Nigeria Task Force for the 2020/21 Next Generation research project, which explored the conditions necessary to support young people to become creative, fulfilled and active citizens in their countries.

An effective bridge builder and mentor with vast experience of working across diverse communities, cultures, and sectors. In 2017, under the Young Africa Leaders Initiative platform, Hauwa curated and delivered robust youth-focused training programs and workshops across 7 states in the North-Western and North-Eastern regions of Nigeria. The workshops taught skills on leadership, entrepreneurship, and leveraging opportunities. Hauwa’s empowerment workshops have contributed immensely to the
establishment of a network of purpose-driven and informed young leaders across Nigeria who are shaping and driving sustainable change.

Hauwa is a passionate advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She exemplifies the power of mentorship to shape the next generation of global change-makers. Through a combination of leadership development, advocacy, and strategic guidance, Hauwa is playing a crucial role in empowering young people to take meaningful action towards achieving the SDGs. Her passion for the SDGs is evidenced by her selection in 2018 as a Goalkeeper for the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In addition, her policy ideas on accelerating some SDGs was pitched in the UN SDG Action Zone on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York in 2019.

Hudayya Fadoul Abacha


Hudayya Fadoul Abacha — She is the founder and CEO of Hudayya Couture Limited, Hudayya Woman, a ready to wear brand and Hudayya Bridal Emporium. After starting her first fashion house in 2012, this Abuja-based business has climbed up from its modest beginnings into the most high-profile wardrobes of Nigeria — including the first lady, Former President Buhari’s daughter Zahra, and celebrities such as Genieve Nnaji and D’ija. 

Hudayya’s “non-conformist” spirit, passion for business, and dedication to excellence in tailoring has made her a fantastic success. Through her platform she has created an avenue for young Northern women to express themselves through fashion and not always stick to the conventional way of fashion. She now inspires generations of rising fashion stars through her newly established design school, Hudayya Academy of Fashion.

Hadiza Bala Usman

Hadiza Bala Usman — She is the former Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) and has spent many years serving her country in congress and numerous public service roles. She is the current Vice-President of the African Region for the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH).

Before her appointment as the first female Managing Director of the NPA in its 63 years of existence, Hadiza worked at the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE). She was then hired by the UNDP for the Federal Capital Territory Administration as Assistant to the Minister on project implementation. Her wide-ranging impact in these positions culminated in her appointment as the Chief of Staff to the Executive Governor of Kaduna State, again, the first female to be so appointed in that part of the country.

Hadiza Yar’adua Tuggar


Hadiza Yar’adua Tuggar — She is the visionary Founder of Woodentods International School established in 2009, she is a dynamic figure in the realms of both corporate business and education. Her multifaceted expertise, spanning various domains, positions her as a highly enthusiastic and accomplished professional with a wealth of experience.

As a corporate business executive, Hadiza brings to the table a diverse skill set marked by enthusiasm and versatility. Her journey from the banking sector to founding Woodentods International School showcases not only her adaptability but also her entrepreneurial spirit. The school, under her guidance, stands as a testament to her commitment to providing quality education.

Hadiza Galadanci

Hadiza Galadanci — She is the first female consultant, gynecologist, and Professor of Medicine from Kano state. Hadiza has dedicated her life to reducing  maternal and child mortality rates, worked to combat gender disparities in health and has played a pivotal role in shaping policies relating to critical maternal health challenges worldwide. 

She has also been involved in global research that has the potential to change policies addressing key maternal health challenges, such as the WHO Labour Care Guide, the E-Motive Trial to reduce deaths from childbirth-related bleeding, and the IVON trial to prevent anemia in pregnant women in Nigeria.

Hauwa Ojeifo


Hauwa Ojeifo — She is the Founder of She Writes Woman (SWW), an award-winning movement that gives mental health a voice in Nigeria. She is also the creator of Safe Place Nigeria, a virtual community for mental health-conscious Nigerians to access digital mental healthcare, self-care tools and wellness resources. 

She is a prominent advocate for sexual violence awareness and mental health. Renowned for being the first Nigerian woman to receive the prestigious Queen’s Young Leader Award for her impactful work, she has made significant strides in addressing critical issues within her community.

Hassanna Maina

Hassanna Maina —  She is the founder of ASVIOL, an organization dedicated to addressing conversations around sexual violence that is deemed sensitive and restricted by the society. Within this organization, Hassana spearheads a dynamic team of young men and women in Maiduguri. Their mission involves engaging with both conventional and Islamic schools, fostering sexual awareness to combat sexual violence. 

She is also a lawyer, poet, sexual violence advocate, and a pioneering member of the ArewaMeToo Campaign, an initiative focused on eradicating sexual violence in Northern Nigeria. 

Hannatu Musawa

Hannatu Musawa — She is the Minister of Art, Culture and Creative economy of Nigeria. Prior to her appointment, she was President Bola Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Culture and Entertainment Economy, leading efforts to promote the creative sector and preserve the country’s cultural heritage. Upon her ministerial appointment, she unveiled an eight-point plan focusing on skills development, policy acceleration, and strategic partnerships to advance Nigeria’s arts, culture, and creative economy. 

Beyond her activities as a politician and political activist over the years, she is a qualified barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. She also previously worked as a newspaper columnist and used her platform to amplify the voices of marginalized Nigerians and advocate for peace, justice, and the rights of the voiceless.

Jamila Lawal

Jamila Lawal — She is a nutritionist, media personality, culinary entrepreneur, and influencer. As the host of “Maggi Diaries,” a popular TV and radio cooking show, she skillfully presents the vibrant flavors of Northern Nigerian cuisine in delightful ways. Jamila also works as a Nutrition Specialist, focusing on communities tackling widespread malnutrition among women and children. She has collaborated with the Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria, lending her expertise as a Nutrition Consultant.



Kadaria Ahmed — She is a prominent Nigerian journalist, media entrepreneur, television host, and the Chief Executive Officer of RadioNow 95.3FM. Commencing her career at the BBC in London, Kadaria has garnered extensive experience across diverse media platforms, including print, radio, television, online, and social media. 

With a passion to use public service journalism to confront inequality and injustice, she has had several articles featured on reputable publications including Daily Trust, The Guardian, Premium Times, and the Financial Times of London. Kadaria is recognized as one of the most influential people in Nigeria’s News Media landscape. Her versatile expertise reflects a commitment to delivering information across various mediums, showcasing her influence and proficiency in the dynamic landscape of modern journalism.

Layalah Ali Othamn


Layal Ali Othman —She is the CEO and Founder of L&N Interiors – an Abuja-based furniture design and interior design company, L&N Kitchens – an African cuisine restaurant located in Abuja and Kano and Almat Farms – an agricultural site that also provides tourism and equestrian services. She is also the owner of a publishing company called L magazine, and it presents a program called Voices of the Youth.

She is also a published author, TV host and the founder of the NGO, Laylah Initiative for the Boy and Girl Child Foundation, a charity that sponsors the education of the Almajiri children population in Northern Nigeria. Her publication, L magazine, is a periodical that  features content in Interior design, health and lifestyle.

Madina Dahiru Maishanu

Madina Dahiru Maishanu — She is the senior social media broadcast journalist in the dynamic world of journalism at British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News Hausa. She also sits as the BBC News Awards 2024 Winner. Prior to her current role at BBC News, she led as an Ex International Broadcaster at the Voice of America Hausa, in Washington DC where she featured on TV and radio shows, as well as an ex-broadcaster at US agency for global media.  

Her passion for creating youth-centric social content, and translating news into social media language, contributes greatly to her journalism career as she currently co-handles the Hausa services social media platform at BBCNews. She has had inspiring interview opportunities with Political dignitaries like the former First Lady of Nigeria, Turai Yar’adua as well as had the opportunity of representing BBC News by spearheading major events organized in Nigeria. 

Maryam Hassan Bukar


Maryam Hassan Bukar — She is a multifaceted individual, proudly wearing the titles of a Nigerian poet, a spoken word artist, a storytelling consultant, a social entrepreneur, a digital content creator, and a dedicated Pan Africanist. She is also a campaign coordinator at in Nigeria showcasing her dedication to utilizing digital platforms for mobilizing and amplifying voices in support of various causes. 

In addition to her creative pursuits, Maryam actively engages in advocacy, particularly for United Nations peacekeeping efforts. Notably, she holds the position of being a Gates Foundation goalkeeper, further emphasizing her commitment to philanthropy and global health initiatives.

Maryam Lemu

Maryam Lemu — She is an international speaker and a practiced seminar and workshop facilitator. She is also the host of the Islamic talk show Sisterly on Alif TV, and Ramadan shows on several networks. She is passionate about human development and has traveled around the world delivering seminars on a wide range of topics including team building, leadership and personal development. Her goal is to help her audience identify a sense of purpose and direction, and the positive impact it exerts on both work and personal life. 

Maryam Augie-Abdulmumin

Maryam Augie-Abdulmumin —She is the Executive Director of ICF. In her role as the Executive Director she is at the forefront of a mission that centers on advocacy and outreach programs, particularly for child education in the most remote regions. This dedicated professional stands out not only for her organizational leadership but also for her inspiring commitment to the well-being of humanity.

Maryam Augie Abdulmumin’s passion for humanity is palpable in her tireless efforts to address the educational needs of children, especially those in the most underserved and distant areas. Her focus on thoughtful and meticulous planning is evident in the educational initiatives she spearheads. One such initiative, aimed at tackling the pressing issue of out-of-school children in Nigeria, showcases her visionary approach.

Munira Suleiman Tanimu


Munira Suleiman Tanimu — She is the Majority Leader of the Kaduna State House of Assembly. She is also the visionary Founder of the Green Heart Impact Foundation, her efforts are centered around empowering young girls by ensuring their access to quality education throughout Nigeria. Notable initiatives under her leadership include the impactful campaigns “Noto-girlchild-hawking-in-Nigeria” and #booksovertrays.

Having a significant presence in the political arena, Munira threw her hat into the ring in 2014, vying for the same office as the majority leader of the state. Her work with the Green Heart Impact Foundation and her foray into politics underscore a commitment to making a positive impact, particularly in the lives of young girls striving for quality education, and in the broader context of political representation.

Rahama Sadau

Rahama Sadau — She is an actress, filmmaker and singer, and is often recognized as the ‘face of Kannywood’(Northern Nigerian film industry). She is a fluent Hindi speaker and won Best African Actress at the 19th African Film Awards in 2015 by African Voice. In 2017, she created a production company named Sadau Pictures where she produced her first movie, Rariya. She also gave an unforgettable performance as Binta Bula in the 2023 Netflix series, WAR: Wrath and Revenge

Committed to empowering women and girls, Rahama is a Gates Foundation Goalkeeper and the founder of the Ray of Hope Foundation, an NGO that has created several social interventions to foster gender equality and end gender-based violence. She is also a renowned entrepreneur as she founded Sadau Beauty, an Abuja-based beauty space and an ice cream shop in Kaduna state called Yogohamy. 

Rahinat Mohammed

Rahinat Mohammed — She is an event compere well-known in the north for her incredible hosting and oratory skills. A multilingual, she is a well-sought-after MC and has hosted a wide range of events from weddings, to cultural festivals and more. Shaped by her own experience with poverty and seeing children out of school, Rahinat became a passionate advocate for change, creating empowerment initiatives to feed children on the streets and help as many of them as possible get off the streets and into classrooms. 

Sabeeha Zainab Hussain

Sabeeha Zainab Hussain — She is a medical doctor, motivational speaker, and the director of Peace Care Clinic, a multi specialist hospital located in Abuja. Sabeeha is also the founder of Chai with Soul Unraveled, a platform that creates safe spaces for women and girls — particularly in the north. In 2023, this platform had several outreach programs called ‘Chais’ where they visited schools and teenage centers to have highly impactful conversations with young girls. 

Sabeeha’s strong feminist convictions drive her commitment to championing the rights of women, evident in her advocacy for gender equality. Furthermore, she extends her advocacy to encompass child and human rights, shedding light on the importance of safeguarding the vulnerable members of society.

Samiah Oyekan Ahmed

Samiah Oyekan-Ahmed  — She is the Founder/CEO of three different, thriving businesses; Fusion Lifestyle Ltd, The Gift Source and Jewelscent Nigeria. Starting out her businesses was first about passion, then about meeting obvious gaps in the market, then about customer satisfaction. A medical doctor turned serial entrepreneur and self acclaimed book-lover, she is also a published author of several books. Samiah has become a renowned advocate for entrepreneurship, eager to share lessons she has learned over the years with budding entrepreneurs. 

She facilitates business classes with over 150 students and is the founder of The Pearl Muslim Network, a community for Muslim women striving for success. With Fusion Lifestyle Ltd, she has created a platform for entrepreneurs to display their products and services with trade fairs held in Lagos and Abuja.

Samira Haruna Sanusi

Samira Haruna Sanusi — She is a sickle cell advocate, writer and the founder of the Samira Haruna Sanusi Sickle Cell Foundation, an organization that raises awareness and financial support for the care, aid and treatment of sickle cell patients in Nigeria. A sickle cell survivor herself, Samira spent 6 years in a wheelchair, had 28 surgeries, underwent chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant, and has learned a lot from her life struggles. 

She is eager to share her testimonies with the rest of the world with her book “S is for Survivor”, a memoir about her personal experiences with Sickle Cell Anemia and getting cured.

Shatu Sani Garko

Shatu Sani Garko — She is the world’s first Hijabi model to win a National Pageant, as well as being the 44th Miss Nigeria. Since she emerged as the 44th Miss Nigeria and the first-ever hijab-wearing model to win the Miss Nigeria pageant, her fame did spread out far and beyond. She was signed  as brand ambassador with Kia Nigeria Family and gained partnership deal with Folio media group, organizers of Miss Nigeria with shared objective to empower young girls through the beauty pageant. The partnership aimed at supporting young women across the country.

Shatu Garko is a social sensation and an inspiration for Muslim girls far and wide. Despite controversies that arose from her winning, she held on to her belief that neither religion nor culture should hinder anyone from pursuing their dreams and accomplishing whatever they set their minds to. Following her crown in November 2021, she recently graced the Teen Cover of George Okoro (GO) Lifestyle Magazine and also appeared in international and local news publications for her groundbreaking achievement. 

Surayyah Ahmed


Surayyah Ahmed — She is a serial techpreneur, exit founder currently investing in early-stage startups in Nigeria. She founded YDS Online, an e-commerce and fulfillment service company that was recently acquired. Also the co-founder of Tech tanks solutions, she is currently working on a startup in the UK called Ethco. 

Her current angel investment scheme via a subsidiary of Tech Tanks, Tech tanks lab, is focused on driving inclusion by working with women founders from Northern Nigeria, where there are very few startups and helping them build their MVP and secure funding.

Zainab Bashir Yau

Zainab Bashir Yau – She is the Director of DermaRx, a patient centered aesthetics and dermatological centre based in Nigeria which has treated over 11,000 clients across 11 countries. As the first molecular spa in Africa, DermaRx is dedicated to promoting women’s empowerment and is a proud signatory of the UN Women and UN Global Compact , Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs). She is also the Global lead at Byei Africa, the Co-founder of Aesthetica Gambia and founder of Nigeria’s prime professional equipment brand Spabox.

She is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a passionate advocate for health, wellness, and community empowerment. She actively campaigns against the use of harmful substances in skincare products and promotes sustainable skincare practices across Africa. Furthermore, she is deeply committed to empowering grassroots women and girls, fostering their socio-economic advancement and holistic well-being.

Zainab Shinkafi Bagudu


Zainab Shinkafi Bagudu  — She is the Founder of Medicaid Cancer Foundation (MCF) and the MD CEO of Medicaid Radio-Diagnostics Limited, which was founded in 2009, fueled by a critical need for diagnostic solutions in Nigeria’s healthcare system. She is a dedicated advocate for women’s health, with a special focus on cancer awareness. Her impactful contributions extend beyond urban centers, as she actively works to enhance cancer awareness in rural areas, ensuring that even those in remote communities receive crucial information.

At the core of Dr. Shinkafi-Bagudu’s advocacy is a commitment to fostering early diagnosis among women, recognizing the pivotal role it plays in the effective management and treatment of cancer. Through her efforts, she strives to empower women with the knowledge and resources necessary to detect and address potential health concerns at an early stage.


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