You may know the Twitter handle, @HonestToddler, but may not know the brain behind it. Bunmi Laditan the beautiful mother of three is the creator of the popular Twitter handle on parenting.
When she opened the handle a few years ago, it was to keep herself from boredom and alleviate herself of the stress that the demands of motherhood and moving to a new city brought. In just a few days she gathered a whopping 5,000 followers.
After six months of consistently tweeting, Bunmi was approached by an agent in New York who wanted to collaborate with her to write a book. She also received an offer with a $100,000 advance payment from editors in the Onion Publishing Group in the UK.
Laditan is now a mother of three, an award winning author, speaker and according to TIME magazine 2013, one of the top 140 tweeters. Apart from that, Bunmi consults for brands looking for ways to jump start their social media effort, including Fortune 500 companies.
We love that she has grown the Twitter page to become an online parenting community where parents, especially mothers, relate, unwind and, most importantly, find encouragement in the stories shared by others about their children.
Well done Bunmi. We can’t wait to see what next you do with the platform!