5 tips on how to work with high profile clients

“Selling” to clients who are considered the “VIP Community” is a different ball game, as their needs tend to be different from that of other “groups”. These tips will help you offer effective and efficient service and also retain loyal customers. (just take some time to imagine Beyonce or Rihannah as your client)

High profile clients want value. 

Just because they’re rich doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate the value of their money. they do not like to waste money and would prefer to see their money going as investments rather than just spending. seek to add value always/ If your product or service makes them feel like they are investing in something or purchasing value, you best believe that they will always return.


Discretion is important.

Use your discretion as a selling point. By understating the importance of your client’s privacy, you will build a reputation for being dependable and trustworthy.

Time is money.

clients in this community are usually busy and don’t like to waste their time. therefore if you save them time, then you save them money. and helping someone save money makes you the best person to turn to when they need services or products. so keep your communications and conversations simple and only reach out when necessary. (calling to greet them everyday is not considered as interest in the clients welfare).


High profile clients want top-tier service 

rely on you to ensure that all of their needs are met. They are typically involved in large transactions, and expect your service to be in line with what they are spending. You have to take yourself out of the equation. When dealing with high-profile clients, it is all about their needs. Put your ego aside and put them first.

Anticipate their needs

Be an active listener. Pay attention to what they are requesting. Also, keep note of little nuances like their daughter’s recital or corporate functions. For example, there’s a possibility you might catch that she mentioned she had two children with one on the way when your client initially said she had only two kids. By taking note of relevant information and applying it to the clients’ needs, they will appreciate that you were listening, and you will service their needs accordingly.

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