3 Ways To Make Frolleagues at Work

Did you roll your eyes and go ”frolleague? What does that mean”


It is fine, we all learn everyday 😊

Frolleague is a term coined from the words- friend and colleague. A frolleague is a work colleague who is also your friend. In Nigerian parlance, a frolleague is your office bessfren

Catch the drift now?


According to Vy Luu, the work environment is a great place to make friends and build relationships as “friendship is formed when a group of people meet at a location on a regular basis for a common purpose.”

To help you build friendships or simply shed the acquaintance label, try these three simple tips as prescribed by Vy below.

1. Talk about the weekend

I used to ask, “How was your weekend?” This was often met with, “OK,” or, “Good.”

Now I ask, “What did you do this weekend?” This prompts more talking.

When asked about my weekend, I used to answer, “It was OK,” or, “It was good.”

Now, I share what I did using the formula [what I did + how it felt]. For example, “I watched a movie, and it was great to take a break from my chores.”

It’s a slight tweak to encourage conversation.

2. Keep the conversation going

Make a game out of volleying the conversation. Challenge yourself to be the last person to drop the chat. Ask a follow-up question to move it along.

Asking “why” is one of the easiest ways to keep a conversation going. Especially when we are new to a topic.

Ask “why?” as in, “Why did you choose that movie?” or, “Why do you write?”

We learn about the other person’s motivations when we ask why. We may discover we have shared values even if we don’t share the same interests.

3. Go to work events

Show up, and then participate. There is a difference, but if we’re starting out in an uncomfortable place, showing up is a giant leap forward.
A pre-arranged event is easier. It saves the awkwardness of initiating a chat with an acquaintance, especially if we don’t yet know what we have in common. The casualness of a team event promotes more chatting than in the office.

I have anxieties when it comes to meeting new people. One way I control my nerves is by setting goals. I say to myself, the objective is to have at least a two-minute exchange with a colleague I don’t know well.

This works because once I have achieved my goal, I feel a sense of accomplishment. And then I can relax.

Did any of the tips resonate with you? Share with us how in the comments. Feel free to share some tips that has worked for you too.

Cover Photo: Savvymom.com

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