Aisha Addo, Glory Mlagwa, Joan Kembabazi, and Confidence Staveley for International Day of The Girl Child 2023

For #IDG2023, we’re honored to stand alongside incredible women who are working passionately for the rights of the African girl child. 
These inspiring women share insights, experiences and thought-provoking pieces on topics that strongly affect African girls.

They also talk about how the work they do lights the way for change.

Aisha Addo for Girls’ Education

For Aisha Afua, the founder of the Power To Girls Foundation, making an impact means dismantling every obstacle, whether it’s economic, social, or related to health, that stands in the way of young girls in Canada and Ghana accessing quality education. 

One of the remarkable ways she is breaking down these barriers is through the My Power App—a virtual learning platform and a supportive community where young girls can learn securely and connect with inspiring mentors.

On education of the Girl Child:

“Education is a fundamental human right, yet regrettably, not all girls enjoy access to this essential right, which includes quality and affordable education. In Ghana, a staggering 27.5-95% of girls miss school for various reasons, and one of the significant factors is their monthly menstrual cycle.”

Glory Mlagwa Against Female Genital Mutilation 

Storytelling and Art are media for so many topics. For the Tanzanian activist and co founder of Afyatoon, Glory Mlagwa, it is a strong medium of advocacy against the harmful practice that has deep roots in many African cultures, Female Genital Mutilation. 

Glory and Afyatoon use Visual Art to tell compelling stories of the numerous dangers of this practice to African girls and how everyone in the communities can put and end to FGM.

On Female Genital Mutilation:

“Female Genital Mutilation is against human rights. It robs the girl child not only of her youth, but also of her life entirely as it leaves her with a scar and psychological trauma that she carries throughout her life”

Joan Kembabazi against Child Marriage 

For the Ugandan activist, Joan Kembabazi, the fight against child marriage is deeply personal. When her best friend–Gufasha Moureen– died during childbirth at age 13 after being ‘married’ to a 62 year old man, she understood the blight on society that Child marriage was and started the Gufasha foundation to end it. 

Since its inception, the Gufasha Girls Foundation, through advocacy, education and project implementation has impacted over 1000 girls.

On Child Marriage:

“Enough is Enough. It is time we end Child marriage. Everyone has a part to play. Young girls belong in classrooms and not bedrooms. It is time we let girls be girls, and not brides” 

Confidence Staveley for Girls in STEM

Confidence Staveley is Africa’s most celebrated and recognised female Cybersecurity Leader, Founder/Executive Director of CyberSafe Foundation, and Inclusion advocate. 

Confidence is an official member of the Forbes Technology Council, an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs, and technology executives. She has been recognized as Cybersecurity Woman of the Year Award in 2021 and 2022, International Security Journal 2023 Influencer, Top Cyber News 40 under 40 in Cybersecurity, LinkedIn Top Voice for Gender Inclusion, and Top 50 women in Cybersecurity Africa.

Her message to Girls everywhere:

“I request that you lift each other up, celebrate each other’s achievements and stand together in unity. When you support one another, you create a force that can change the world”

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