Bukky Asehinde is the Creative Entrepreneur’s Best Friend.

Bukky Asehinde is the founder of Bellafricana(which means ‘Beautiful Africa’). A platform that promotes and connects Afrocentric businesses to their customers.


Bellafricana is an initiative with a focus on Made-in-Nigeria Non-oil products development, where customers and suppliers engage and transact to bridge the buyer-seller gap and create a wider outreach for Nigerian (African) products locally & globally. Promoting the beauty of Africa.

Bukky Asehinde

Bellafricana was created from the belief that a support group/community for creative MSMEs will enhance the Non-oil export in the Nigerian economy and make them thrive. The organization is set to host the ACE Awards (African Creative Exhibition and Award.) this April 2018, with the with the aim of encouraging more talents in Nigeria (Africa) to look inwards, be original and create more globally acceptable brands.

Bellafricana strives to connect Afrocentric businesses to customers and so far they are doing an amazing job. Are you a creative entrepreneur? you should be Bellafricana Verified.



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