5 tips on how to work with high profile clients
“Selling” to clients who are considered the “VIP Community” is a different ball game, as their needs tend to be different from that of other “groups”. These tips will help you offer effective and efficient service and also retain loyal customers. (just take some time to imagine Beyonce or Rihannah as your client) High profile […]
#RunningInHeels: 7 Lessons from DamilolaTeidi’s LLA interview
Damilola Teidi, CEO/Co-Founder, GoMyWay.com. She is passionate about startups, building small businesses, innovation and the use of technology to create an impact in our society. In her LLA interview, she shared with us her fascination and passion for innovation. She also believes that more women need to be encouraged to take up careers in STEM feilds. Here are […]