Aisha O. Reilly shows us how to wear our Fro to work.

Many women have been told that wearing their natural hair to work is ”unprofessional”. Many people still stereotype a woman with natural hair as being unkempt, poor, wild, or unprofessional. However we are not for that. We think women can comfortably rock their Fros to work an still look beautiful, smart, classy and professional. These […]

#RunningInHeels: 5 Things the working woman can learn from Gbubemi Vera Ainbangbee’s LLA Interview

Gbubemi Vera Aibangbee is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Madam Sabi Market Services, a pioneer internet based food shopping website in Nigeria The company basically leverages on technology to distribute agricultural food produce to individuals and corporate organizations. Before she started her business, she attempted several businesses most of which she failed at. However, learnt valuable […]