10 ways to end the year with a bang!

The end of 2019 is finally, here. You might have accomplished all or most of your goals. For some, the year has been a lot, they can’t wait for 2020 to start. Whatever the situation, you can still recuperate. Here are some tips to help you end the year with a bang!

  1. List All Your Accomplishments

This will make you aware of the strides you have made in the past year and with it comes a pride and faith in yourself. Treat yourself to remembering all the great stuff you accomplished. If you didn’t take time to feel proud throughout the year, do it now. You deserve to relish each thing on this list.

  1. Make A List Of Lessons Learned This Year

There are things that worked out better than you imagined, and others that didn’t unfold as expected. What lessons did you learn from those experiences? What will you do differently next time? There are a lot of situations where a bit of better planning and identifying gaps can turn a flop into massive success.

  1. Review the Goals You Set Earlier In the Year

Even if you aren’t on track with hitting all your goals (you probably won’t be), look to create some momentum going into the New Year by reassessing what you can do in the little time that’s left. There are still weeks left for you to accomplish certain things.

  1. Offset indulgences with healthy choices

Don’t start the New Year behind the eight ball! With the endless parade of holiday parties and decadent meals this time of year, it can be tempting to engage in some seriously unhealthy habits. Avoid falling into this trap by replacing unhealthy choices with healthier ones.

  1. Reset your internal Clock

December is the fastest month on the calendar. Before you know it, the year is over. Ask yourself how the speed of the month impacts you? For many, this corresponds with a decrease in energy and a downtick in mood. If this applies to you, you definitely want to get ahead of it. Do what you need to do to adjust to the limited time without losing a step.

  1. Give Yourself a Break

This means thinking and planning ahead so you don’t have to catch up during this period of rejuvenation. Also, make sure to take care of yourself and be smart about your health. This doesn’t mean you can drop everything when that last week rolls around. Ideally, you’ve planned ahead so you don’t have to catch up during this period.

  1. Review Your Life

If you want different/better results in the New Year, it’s important to identify what your needs are and develop a plan to acquire the resources needed to take your business and your life to the next level. It’s one thing to know what you’re lacking; it’s a completely different thing to have a plan in place to make sure you get what you need. Nothing is more disheartening than feeling like a year has passed and no progress or changes have taken place.

  1. Ask Yourself: What Else Is Possible?

Sure, you achieved a lot this year. However, that doesn’t mean that you can rest on your laurels. If 2019 has been an awesome year, what is possible in 2020? You’re not the same person you were at the start of the year. You’ve experienced new things, gained knowledge and wisdom.

  1. Go Into The Holidays With Clear Set Personal Objectives

This can mean creating meaningful connection with your friends and family. What’s more important than relationships? Than human connection? Than family? So why do so many of us not enter holiday weekends without objectives?

  1. Start Planning For 2020

Create your goals for 2020 as soon as you can. Why is this so important? Because doing so allows you to absorb and live with your goals, and gives you time to tweak them if need be. Even if things didn’t work out the way that you wanted them to, you’ve learned from those mistakes and will do things differently next time.

This article was first published here

Cover photo: Kamogelo Faith Motsepe

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