“Under my leadership, expect Del-York Development Company to excel in strategic project management, innovation, and sustainable development.” — Stella Fubara, MD, Del-York Development Company.


Can you tell us about yourself and the journey that led you to where you are today?  

I will stick to the highlights as it is quite difficult to sum up 30yrs on one page. I was born in the USA and I am a product of amazing parents and a loving family support system that helped me be all I am today. During my journey to get to where I am today, there were many pivots. The first pivot was switching from an engineering major to business/accounting for my bachelor’s degree. This led to an MBA which I completed while working full-time and raising 3 children. After my MBA I joined Deloitte & Touche for a few years as a Senior Project Controller and this exposed me to many industries and assignments. One of mymilestone assignments was Walt Disney World(WDW) and I consequently left Deloitte to join WDW permanently for 5yrs. My next career moveafter WDW was to Wyndham Hotels & Vacation Resorts as an Operational Finance Director for 7yrs. The second pivot came when I lost my job at Wyndham due to organizational restructuring which encouraged me to visit Nigeria in 2013. During this trip I was headhunted and joined Wakanow as the Chief Business and Product Development Officer in Nigeria. Though I spent a very short time at Wakanow, it introduced me to all the significant players in the Tourism, Hospitality and the Creative Economy in Africa and beyond. The third pivot was in 2015 when I moved to Dubai as the Regional Director of International Operations with the Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism (DET). This was a 9yr amazing opportunity with responsibility for all DET activity and strategy across Sub-Saharan Africa, and though it was a very successful period in my journey after 9yrs it was time to pivot again. My fourth pivot as Head of Trade for NEOM in Saudi Arabia was extremely short but critical in leading me to my fifth (and I hope) final pivot as the Managing Director of the Del-York Development Company.

Looking back, what would you say have been some of your biggest achievements and milestones in your career?

The reality is that I have had a “big” career achievement in all of my pivots, even during my brief stint in Saudi! Career achievements includeRecognition and Awards (over 20), Professional Certifications, Leadership roles, and Successful Projects. But my biggest career achievements came in the form of knowledge gained, all of which have led me here to Del-York Development Company equipped with a comprehensive portfolio of experience which will enhance my vision and leadership in my role as Managing Director. 

What ultimately led you to return to Nigeria and join the Del-York Group?

I returned to Nigeria and joined Del-York Group as the Managing Director of Del-York Development Company, driven by a profound commitment to fostering growth and development in my home country and continent. With over 25 years of strategic planning and financial management expertise, I saw a unique opportunity to leverage my skills and experiences to drive transformative projects in Nigeria. Mydecision was fueled by a desire to contribute to the socio-economic advancement of Nigeria, aligning with Del-York’s amazing vision to propel sustainable development and innovation across Africa for many industries.

Can you tell us a bit about your new role and the company, Del-York Development Company?

Del-York Group is dedicated to setting new standards across various industries, driving growth, and inspiring future generations. We build partnerships, foster innovation, and create solutions that not only drive economic growth but also contribute to the social and environmental well-being of the communities we serve. Visit our website www.delyorkgroup.com for more information and to explore opportunities to collaborate with DY subsidiaries:
i. Del-York Development Company
ii. Del-York Communications (formerly Del-York International)
iii. Del-York Creative Academy (and its program Youth in Animation & Post-Production Initiative (YAPPI))
iv. Del-York Industries
v. Del-York Global
vi. Del-York Technology
vii. Del-York Faith
Del-York Development Company (DDC)

Del-York Development Company (DDC), an integral entity within the Del-York Group, excels in the management and execution of large-scale development projects, focusing on revenue generation and the hospitality and tourism sectors. Our landmark ventures, such as Kebulania: Lagos Film & Entertainment City and the 042 Arena and Entertainment Park, exemplify our dedication to transforming ambitious visions into iconic landmarks. Through meticulous planning, sustainable practices, and cutting-edge infrastructure development, DDC is committed to creating spaces that inspire and captivate.

What would you say are your initial goals and vision for this exciting venture?

The opening of Lagos Film City (Kebulania) will be a pivotal developmental milestone for Nigeria. Along the way, we will achieve impact in many targets and goals impacting the creative economy, tourism, and hospitality industries.

Beyond the main projects of the company, Kebulania: Lagos Film City and the 042 Arena and Entertainment Park, what can we expect from your leadership at the Del-York Development Company in the coming years?

Under my leadership, expect Del-York Development Company to excel in strategic project management, innovation, and sustainable development. Anticipate new high-impact projects, strengthened stakeholder relationships, and operational efficiency, solidifying Del-York’s position as a leader in transformative urban and entertainment developments, and economic growth facilitator for Nigeria and the continent.

What unique opportunities and challenges do you foresee as as a growth architect and business catalyst in the business sector in Nigeria and how do you plan to maximize or address these?

  • Emerging Market Potential: Leverage Nigeria’s growing middle class and increasing urbanization by investing in infrastructure and consumer-focused projects. Develop innovative products and services that cater to the local market’s unique needs, enhancing accessibility and affordability.
  • Technological Advancement: Embrace digital transformation by integrating advanced technologies such as AI, blockchain, and fintech solutions to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and create new business models. Foster partnerships with tech startups to stay at the forefront of innovation.
  • Youth Demographics: Capitalize on Nigeria’s young, dynamic population by investing in education, skills development, and entrepreneurship programs for the creative economy. Create platforms for youth engagement and innovation, positioning Del-York as a leader in nurturing local talent and driving economic growth.

What are your thoughts on the unique opportunities and challenges that women face in the African business landscape?

i. Rising Entrepreneurial Ecosystem:Women can leverage the growing support for female entrepreneurs through dedicated funding programs, mentorship, and networking opportunities. By engaging with initiatives specifically aimed at empowering women in business, they can access resources that drive business growth and innovation.
ii. Inclusive Policies and Initiatives: Take advantage of increasing governmental and organizational efforts to promote gender equality. Participate in programs that offer grants, training, and leadership development tailored to women, thereby enhancing their business capabilities and market competitiveness.
iii. Market Demand for Diverse Leadership: Companies with diverse leadership are shown to perform better. Women can capitalize on this trend by highlighting the value of diverse perspectives in decision-making processes and marketing their businesses as forward-thinking and inclusive to attract customers, investors, and partners.
i. Access to Capital: Women often face greater barriers to securing funding. To overcome this, they can seek alternative funding sources such as crowdfunding, microfinance, and angel investors who focus on female-led businesses. Building strong business cases and leveraging networks can also improve access to capital.  Research shows that businesses founded by women ultimately deliver higher revenue -more than twice as much per dollar invested than those founded by men, resulting in an average of 25% higher valuations (Arabian Business).
ii. Cultural and Societal Norms:Traditional gender roles can impede women’s business activities. Address this by advocating for change and educating communities about the benefits of women’s economic participation. Joining women’s business networks and support groups can provide solidarity and shared strategies for overcoming societal barriers.
iii. Balancing Work and Family Responsibilities: Women often juggle multiple roles, which can impact their business pursuits. To manage this, they can adopt flexible work arrangements, delegate tasks effectively, and utilize time management tools. Seeking support from family, mentors, and professional networks can also help maintain a balance.

What are you most excited about for the future, both in your career and for future generations of women leaders?

I am most excited about driving transformative projects that have a lasting impact on communities and the business landscape in Nigeria. I look forward to spearheading innovative developments and sustainable initiatives that contribute to urban growth and economic progress. For future generations of women leaders, I am passionate about fostering an environment of empowerment and opportunity. I envision a future where women have equal access to leadership roles, are supported by robust networks, and can leverage their unique perspectives to drive meaningful change and innovation in their industries.

What advice would you give to aspiring female leaders across Africa?

I would advise aspiring female leaders across Africa to embrace their unique strengths and perspectives, advocating for themselves and their ideas with confidence. I would emphasize the importance of continuous learning and professional development, urging women to build strong networks of support. I would encourage resilience in the face of challenges, highlighting the necessity of perseverance and adaptability, and the value of giving back, inspiring future generations by leading with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to creating opportunities for others.

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