Offer Your Team Opportunities To Promote Themselves and Gain Experience; You Don’t Have To Do Everything Yourself – 13 Ways to Gain Credibility as a Leader

When it comes to team management, and life generally, we learn gradually the importance of gaining credibility. As a leader gaining credibility works in two ways. You treat others the same way you’d want to be treated and then receive/earn the respect you want. It therefore follows that if we treat others well, it will be easier to gain credibility with them. Gaining credibility is however, not a walk in the park. Hence, we bring you some tips you should note as a leader.

1. Show humility

Bragging may not only damage your reputation, but it can de-motivate your whole team as well. Stop showing off, do not bore others with stories about your university, your awards or your personal success. Your best advertising is to act with humility.

2. Be proactive

Take a step forward, do it yourself. Do not wait for instructions from others. Part of team management is to develop your problem-solving skills. Act proactively to earn credibility from your team and earn respect as a leader.

3. Show commitment

Show with your work the high level of commitment you have with your organization, your team and the goals. Work hard, move, take an interest in the work of other departments, in what each and every one of your employees does; inquire, get involved…

4. Keep your promises

If anything guarantees our credibility with others, it is to keep our promises. Breaking pacts or agreements destroys confidence. Always avoid committing to something if you do not have the confidence of being able to do it.

5. Help your team grow

Offer your team opportunities to promote themselves and gain experience; great leaders do everything in their hands for their teams to grow. Team management involves helping the group develop and improve.

6. Placing value on other people’s time

Respecting people’s time, is fundamental to successful team management. If your people perceive that you keep interrupting them, being late, beating around the bush in meetings or not respecting their time. You will lose their respect.

7. Keep a balance

If you want to get respect from your people, you will have to learn to keep a balance between task delegation and excessive involvement. Half along the way is the basis for proper team management.

8. Stay away from gossip

We all have strengths and weaknesses and everyone is likely to be criticized at some point. As a team manager, you must avoid the temptation to speak ill of others; always act as if they were right in front of you. You will see your credibility strengthened.

9. Say what you expect from your team

Your people need to know what expectations you have of them. Tell them what you expect from their work, so that specific goals can be established and they can give their best. It will help you be respected.

10. Act diligently

One of the easiest ways to earn respect and manage teams successfully is to act diligently. The best example is you: do your job, complete your tasks on time and finish what you start.

11. Reward good work

It is a classic in the world of team management, but you should never forget the importance of rewarding the good work of your team. A simple thank you note, an invitation to lunch, a small gift. There are a lot of ways to reward your team.

12. Learn to say “no”

Sometimes it is easier to gain credibility by saying “no” than by agreeing with everything. Do not feel guilty; if you ever have to refuse, do it.

13. Control your emotions

Team management is no easy task. Many times you will find it difficult to control your emotions and your temper, but if you show an excessively emotional side of you, your management may be damaged. Stay calm in tense situations in order to earn respect.

Photograph: wabosha Maxine

This article was first published on

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