How to tackle tough issues with grace. Lessons from Courtney Carter.

As humans, we get to face tough issues once in a while, and they take a toll on us most times. But what if? just what if we could walk through these issues with grace, glowing through the things we go through.

Every situation, obstacle and challenge brings new lessons. Our ability to learn the  lessons that we need however have a lot to do with how we walk out of those challenges. so here are a few tips I learnt from Courtney Carter on tackling tough issues with grace.

Find your strength and use them deliberately. 

We are all gifted in one way or the other, and our gifts make way for us even in the most difficult situations. And though our gifts may not be all that we need to get us through, it is a start. They help get us in line for victory.

Be open

If we are ever going to face those giants that rise in tough situations, we need to open up our minds and accept vulnerability. sometimes, being vulnerable is the powerful thing you can do.

Always be positive

Staying positive through an issue, or tough situation can be a game changer, as this helps you fish the good in every situation. When you are positive, your mind is open and it becomes easier to figure out solutions for tough situations.

Courtney Carter is a former lawyer who leads diversity and inclusion initiatives at a large law firm. Courtney loves running marathons, traveling and food. She blogs about her love of running and food at and can be found on Instagram and Twitter @eatprayrundc.

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