“Confidence coupled with action are key to unlocking your full potential“ Chansa Arhunmwunde for Career Quick Five

“Confidence coupled with action are key to unlocking your full potential” — Chansa Arhunmwunde for Career Quick Five

Chansa Arhunmwunde is a project management professional whose expertise transcends the public and private sectors. She is currently serving as a Delivery Program Manager at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

Beyond her corporate accomplishments, Chansa is a passionate financial literacy advocate and educator, on a mission to democratize financial knowledge. With an unshakable belief in the power of financial education, she actively engages with organizations, schools, and communities, conducting impactful workshops and seminars.

In addition to her advocacy work, Chansa is the Co-founder of Atarah Farms, an agribusiness enterprise operating in the livestock value chain. In all her professional achievements, Chansa shows the transformative power of knowledge and the boundless possibilities that arise when passion and knowledge meet purpose.

How do you build and maintain strong relationships with colleagues and managers?

I believe every relationship is built on the foundation of trust and mutual respect, therefore I prioritize active listening, providing support where required and I also ensure that I am transparent in my actions and decisions. Regular check ins and feedback sessions, I have also found to be key in understanding expectations as well as an avenue to ensure constant alignment which has inevitably helped me build and maintain strong relationships with colleagues and managers.

What digital tools are your secret weapons to doing excellent and productive work?

I do not wish to imagine my work life without the obvious advantage that tech gives me. The list of some of my most trusted and maybe not so secret weapons in terms of digital tools are probably not very different from those of other project managers. I rely on Monday.com and MS Projects to keep tasks organized and track progress. For communication, Slack and Microsoft Teams (as well as WhatsApp) are indispensable for real-time collaboration. Microsoft SharePoint  is essential for document management and sharing, while tools like Evernote help me capture and organize ideas efficiently. These tools streamline my workflow keeping me on top of things but also enhances my team coordination.  

Which female artist is a no-brainer on your work playlist and why?

It changes from time to time, but I tend to gravitate towards old school R&B and soulful music. Toni Braxton and Sade are easy favorites for me. Their timeless voices and soothing melodies create a perfect backdrop for focused and productive work sessions.

What role do ethics and social responsibility play in your career choices?

Ethics and social responsibility play a major role in my career choices. I believe in working for organizations that are in sync with my values prioritizing integrity, transparency, and a commitment to positive social impact.  This alignment helps me stay motivated and fulfilled in my professional journey.

What advice would you give to your younger self starting out in your career?

Don’t be afraid to strive for more as soon as the thought crosses your mind because staying in a place of comfort can sometimes be a disservice to your career growth. Embrace the challenge of learning new skills, even if they seem outside the box at the time—they can enhance your career in unexpected ways helping you to remain relevant in a fast changing world.  Most importantly, believe in yourself and your capabilities. Confidence coupled with action are key to unlocking your full potential.

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