Career Quick 5 with The Vocal Mentality Coach, Samke Ngcobo

Career Quick 5 with The Vocal Mentality Coach, Samke Ngcobo

Dr. Samke J Ngcobo, a medical doctor diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type 1 at 14, is a passionate advocate for mental health. She believes those living with mental illness are the best advocates, due to their firsthand experience.

Dr. Ngcobo’s book, “Reflections of a Convoluted Mind: A Journey With My Mental Illness,” has received positive feedback from individuals with mental illness, their supporters, and those seeking understanding.

As an experienced keynote speaker with Vocal Mentality (Pty) Ltd, Dr. Ngcobo educates corporations and communities about mental health. Additionally, she founded Sisters For Mental Health, an initiative creating a safe space for discussing mental health struggles and collaborating with other mental health advocacy organizations. In this Career Quick 5 interview, she gives us some insights on leadership skills and something every woman starting her career should know.

What leadership
qualities do you admire and strive to develop in yourself?

I strive to develop an unrelenting and unwavering self-belief and be fully persuaded.

Do you prefer casual connections or strategic networking?  How do you build either?

I prefer a combination of the two ideally but since I have to choose a preference I would choose casual connections because they feel more organic and authentic.

Can you share your daily morning routine before you go to work?

 I don’t have a fixed morning plan because I have an evening routine and plan for the following day the night before.

How do you turn failures into learning opportunities and improve your performance?

As a passionate mental health advocate, I believe in seeking support from therapy and loved ones.  I acknowledge the failure and identify learning points and growth opportunities.  Therapy is key for me.

What is that one thing every woman just starting out her career should know?

It’s important to know that the journey is not linear nor predictable.  Embrace change and learn from it.  Be kind to yourself pre-emptively!

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