”To become an entrepreneur in Nigeria, you have to be resilient, street-smart and patient until your business becomes profitable.” Blessing Achu


When you hear co-working spaces you think of an office with internet connection and a conducive environment to do your work. Blessing Achu is changing that with 360creative hub. 

360 Creative Hub is a co-sewing hub and lab for fashion entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria. Although things are a lot better with the hub the beginning was rough. According to Blessing, she was exploited because of her gender and spent all of her personal saving to the tune of ₦1o million at the early stages. 

Now that things are a bit more stable, the hub, via 360 Creative Hub Fashion incubator is training fashion designers to international standard. The 360 Fashion Incubator (360 FI) program is built for designers fashion focused on apparel and/or accessories making looking to launch and/or accelerate their fashion businesses. African designs are by popular demand in the West and Blessing’s plan is to create a channel where their designers’ clothing would be exported.


This is her advice to budding female entrepreneurs; ‘I see a trend in young women these days. They all want quick money, rich husbands and become entrepreneurs, but entrepreneurship is not for everyone. To become an entrepreneur especially here in Nigeria, you have to be resilient, street-smart and patient until your business becomes profitable.’



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