Becoming Her For The International Day Of The Girl Child Campaign: Letters To My Future Self.


You’re finally doing it.

Going deeper with your Heavenly Father, building your confidence, investing in your personal development, expanding your business, letting your personality shine through, loving fiercely & fearlessly, enjoying the moments as they come— bitter or sweet. This is what makes life “life”. Keep going.

To my future self, Gogo, you did it. God did it. You dreamt big, wild, and free now you’re living in answered prayers.

Look at you making impact where it matters, helping women achieve their career and business goals, spreading the gospel in an authentic way. This was the dream. This is fulfilment. The prayers, sacrifices, and investments paid off.

Your Dad is proud of you. I’m proud of you. Well done ????????



Dear Elsja,

You’ve accomplished so much at such a young age but relax, don’t beat yourself
Enjoy your youth and have fun, disregard what people will think or say cause at the end of the day you live for you and your impact is what will be remembered.

Live to leave a legacy. Live, love, laugh.

The PR Girl!!! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come and everything you’ve achieved. It’s been a journey and I’m grateful to God for how far he’s brought you.

But take a deep breath and watch how God is going to do great and mighty things in your life. One day you’ll become the Chief Communications Officer of a Multinational company.

Romans 8:28

Dear future self,

I started out this letter to you listing out with elation all I’m sure you have accomplished, the boxes you ticked out of our bucket list, the goals smashed and victories won.
But strike through! Have you noticed how our life has been orchestrated by a divine hand even when we didn’t know one existed? Have you noticed how there are always well laid out plans that required us to simply trust?
Can anything compare to the total 360-degree turn we took from where we planned and desired to be 10 years ago? It’s bizzare isn’t it?!

So instead of praising you for hitting your goals, I want you to know that I believed in the woman you had inside. That everyday I woke up overwhelmed, tired, frustrated; everyday I cried for the losses we suffered, I got up, trusted and kept going because of you. That I stayed positive through it all because you needed to blossom.
I want you to know that I’m so sure you’re amazing at every role you’ve chosen to take up and are so much more diligent and organised than I am right now, I’m so proud that you figured it out.

But beyond all that, I’m glad that you allowed your Spirit grow! I’m proud of you for staying true to who God created you to be and for allowing him hold your hands like He’s doing mine now.

I want you, Jevwe to know that the joys, losses and intense lessons we went through in 2023 were so that you can become the woman you now are, to fully express Isaiah 27:6 just as I thought possible.

Know that if there’s something you’re excited about this new season, something that challenges you, God has got you, it was done before and it would be done again. Keep trusting!

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