If you placed your hand faintly on my chest before I stand in front of a group of people, you’d feel the fear-beats.
You’d hear the uncomfortable tearing out of comfort zone. You’d see a girl desperately trying to believe that she is wanted and she is enough there.
Sitting before an empty page to write, you’d see me waiting, wondering…“have I got what to write? have I got what it takes?”
Yea, because every second, this is what we all want to know: for where I am being led, am I even enough?
Because really, this is the thing that always makes us shrink back and feel unwanted & uninvited. This is what makes us hide away some parts of ourselves that God wants to bare and use. In the end, this is what it comes down to – what all our hearts really want to know.
Am I really enough? Is there something, somewhere I can make up for? Should I be apologizing for all that I do not have? Is what I have in my hand really enough?
Everything around us keeps telling us if we did more of this or that, we can be ‘more’. We can finally be enough.
Yet God is calling us to rest, be still and let Him be God in and through us.
God is calling you: enough.
You are not too much of a mess for God to use, nor are you less of more. You are simply enough.
God is saying: “if you think on yourself, and what you think you do not have, you’d never do a thing. You’d never step up to anything. But you must come to the end of yourself and think on Me instead.”
Fix your eyes on Him.
More qualifications and connections won’t make you content in who you are. Garnering more experiences is great, but until you know that no matter what you have or don’t have, you are enough, you will never stop seeking for more.
And this is the daily dare: to believe that who you are is enough. That what you have been given is enough; Your personality is enough. Your heart is enough. Your background is enough. Your voice is enough. You are enough.
Until you know this for sure, you won’t lay yourself down at His feet and let Him carry you instead.
Friend, where your qualifications end, let Him carry on for you.
For where you are going, you don’t have to worry about what you’ll do or say, because you’re already spoken for. You never have to question if you’re qualified to be where you are, because your God is ordering your steps. You never have to wonder If He will help you when you get there, when He is already waiting in your tomorrow.
Here’s the thing to stick to your soul, to believe today and tomorrow: borrow His eyes to see that all you will ever need is that which you have already been given. I pray that you believe that you are so wanted and needed by Him; that with all your mess and baggage you always have a seat at His table; that just as you are, you are qualified by Him to live your story; that you are just enough for Him. You are never more; never less. I pray that you hide yourself so far into Him, that when you step out to do the things you fear, people will not see you, but see Him instead. People will not hear you, read you, but Him instead.
This is what you must believe instead; You cannot do anything outside of Him. But in Him and through Him, you can do all things.
Short Bio:
When Rayo Adegoke is not writing to somehow give hope and promote wellbeing for orphans and vulnerable children through her work at Catholic Relief Services, you’ll find her penning her heart about the fight for everyday joy on her blog: Iseejoy.