As a professional, you need to have a LinkedIn account. It is also not enough to just have it, you also need to optimize it, boost your engagement there and grow your LinkedIn network. So how can you achieve all of these? Read on!
Curate your timeline with the most relevant content
LinkedIn will populate your timeline with content that they feel is most relevant to you. This includes posts and content from your 1st connections (usually the ones you engage with most frequently), hashtags you follow, related content that you’ve engaged with previously, and more.
Follow top influencers and thought leaders in your industry
Not only is this a great way to stay up to date on trends and hot topics in your industry, it’s also a great way to build relationships with successful professionals for potential collaborations and virtual mentorship.
This step will take some dedicated time and research. You may be able to find these people a little easier by doing a quick Google search like, “top tech professionals on LinkedIn.”
Like, comment, and share posts that are relevant to your brand and also support the work of others.
This is how you can further develop some of your relationships with LinkedIn thought leaders an others in your industry. If there is someone you admire or see posting great content consistently, make a habit of liking and commenting on their posts. When you comment, make sure to leave meaningful comments, because when you leave comments on someone’s post, now their entire network has access to see your comment/subject matter expertise. You’ll need to share your expertise and opinions as it relates to the posts, so you can attract more followers and better network.
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