“I’m Not Motivated Today” Can You Relate?

Did you wake up feeling bleh?

Don’t fret, it happens to even the most motivated of us. We all feel unmotivated at times. Days when you just don’t feel like doing anything, or you’re just feeling down and sad without knowing why sometimes, Yes, we still feel that way from time to time. You’re not alone. 

You’ve probably noticed that it’s hard to be motivated all the time. No matter what you are working on, there are days when you don’t feel like showing up or doing anything. These fluctuations are part of life, these “off days” when your energy and emotions are in the gutter. To help you make sense of days like these, we have compiled below some quick tips.

Pause and Do Something You Enjoy Doing:

  • Call and have conversations with friends OR go out with them. Unwind, relax and just breathe in a little, it’s okay to take a break!
  • Take a stroll, listen to music, eat, take a shower or see a funny movie, whatever it is that makes you feel relieved just do it!

Set the bar LOW:

  • At this point you’re most likely not functioning at your usual 69-99% and it’s okay. So, set the bar low for yourself, don’t expect too much, don’t give yourself targets.
  •  Acknowledge your courage, applaud yourself, be compassionate with yourself and go easy on you.
  • Give yourself a treat when you do something good no matter how unimportant you may think it is at this time.

Bottom line is just do what you love doing at that particular time.

Quit Thinking of your Negatives, Focus on the Positives Right Now:

  • TURN IT OFF: If Social media is getting you depressed or pressured, turn it off, delete that app and take some time off that space.
  • Pick a pen and paper and write down the things you have going good for you, little or not, ignore the negatives!

What If You Do All These And It Doesn’t Work?

  • Search deep and talk to someone about what you’re feeling
  • It’s okay to take time out from work till you feel up for it.

Scroll up and let the words sink in and remember, to always choose Life!

You are not alone.

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