#CareerConversationsWithLLA: “Whether you’re qualified or not, take that shot! Submit your CV regardless,” Oluwapelumi Shittu, Presenter, EbonyLife TV.

Image credit: Oluwapelumi Shittu

Pelumi Shittu, otherwise known as Media Girl, is a presenter, content creator, host and actor. Currently a presenter on EbonyLife TV’s VVIP Events and Moments Z shows, Pelumi’s versatility, energetic and charismatic personality has made her one of the few people to look out for in the industry, especially with her ability to churn out engaging content on social media to advertise brands and engage followers, as a content creator.

As an actor, she has featured in movies like Eluku, A Family Weekend, The Mrs, Castle and Castle (Series), Rumor Has It (Series), a few stage plays and short films. She has hosted events like the Lagos Digital Summit, Love and Pint, the Launch of Ellora and Co. Perfumery brand, The Launch of Wikabani’s Fashion Collection, to name a few. 

Pelumi is passionate about female empowerment as she is also the ambassador for WELTI, an NPO that reaches out to young girls between the ages 14-30, teaching and enlightening them on health, education, leadership and technology. Indeed, Pelumi is one who wears many hats so well. 

In this interview with Leading Ladies Africa, Oluwapelumi, popularly known as the “Media Girl” details her sojourn into the media industry, why women should take their shots at positions irrespective of whether they’re fully qualified or not and gives insights on how workplaces can amplify diversity and inclusion, especially for women.

Can you briefly describe yourself and what you do?

My name is Pelumi Shittu and I’m a TV Presenter, host, actor and content creator. I’m also a trained architect, with a BSc and Masters in Environmental Design, from the University of Lagos. I’ve always known that I had a flair for everything entertainment-related. I was in every school dance and drama in primary school, and was the social prefect in secondary school, lol.

I host red carpet interviews on VVIP Events and I’m also a freelancer. I’ve acted in films like Castle and Castle, Rumour Has It; movies like Eluku, A family Weekend, The Mrs and a few short films and stage plays. As a content creator, my job is to create engaging content on social media that attracts, engages and converts.


Image credit: Oluwapelumi Shittu

How did you start out in your career and how long have you been in the corporate world?

I never envisioned that I’d become a presenter. While at the university, I went for auditions to become an actor. I was confused at the time on what to do with my life and how to enter the entertainment industry here in Nigeria. It was common knowledge though that I could talk and present well during group projects. So, a friend of mine sent me the poster to Ebonylife TV’s Moments Z audition, which I went for and won a spot to become one of the 3 hosts.

That’s when my journey started and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. This happened in October 2016; so technically, I’ve been in the industry for 3 and a half years. I’ve had to learn on the job and also from every single presenter I meet – in terms of how to speak, words that should not be said, carriage etc. I also became an intern at Cool FM, under Daddy Freeze and Kaylah Oniwo’s tutelage, to learn more and familiarize myself with presenting.

Your go-to hack when you are creatively stuck?

It’s inevitable. There are times when ideas wouldn’t just come or that you’d not be motivated or not in the mood to be creative. What I do is to relax. I’ve learnt never to rush the process. I take a break if I have to.

During that break, I pray to God to open my eyes and mind and then, I make sure to expose myself to as much content as possible. I read more novels and watch movies (especially Korean, lol). I’m on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms. 

I watch my colleagues and peers from Nigeria and all over the world. I do this to feed my mind with information and stay up-to-date. It is extremely important to do this because you never can tell what would trigger an idea or inspire you to create. 

Image credit: Oluwapelumi Shittu

Tips for diversity and inclusion in the workplace (esp. for women)?

I believe that a complete re-orientation of the mind is needed from both genders. This will ensure that a woman isn’t seen as the weaker sex who wouldn’t function properly in certain positions or roles, or as a sex symbol to be harassed. It has been proven that women are better multitaskers, highly effective, productive and they pay more attention to detail. 

Also, it is important to make sure that the work environment is free of stereotyping. The structure of the company should also be aligned towards paying salaries based on qualifications and results, and not gender.

Finally, research says that most women only apply for jobs they know they have all the qualifications and requirements for, while men apply regardless, whether qualified or not. Whoever is reading this, take that shot! Submit your CV regardless. I had no form of presenting training or experience, but I still shot my shot and look at where I am today to the glory of God. 

Image credit: Oluwapelumi Shittu

Top 3 tips for the career women in our community.

My top 3 tips would be:

  • NETWORK. People only recommend those that they know. So, make sure they know you, especially in a country like Nigeria where quite many jobs are given based on connections. 
  • DEVELOP THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO PEOPLE AND WORK. I’ve seen people who are extremely skilled and great at what they do, not get jobs they applied for, because of their attitude. No one wants a nasty or toxic person on their team/set/job. Also, when the going gets tough and the pressure begins to mount, how do you react? What’s your attitude to work? Do you lash out or become unbearable to work with? Do you give up? How emotionally intelligent are you? 
  • UNDERSTAND YOUR TIMES AND SEASONS. We all need to understand that there’s a time to sow and a time to reap. I’ve seen people give up when they should still be sowing, laying the foundation and paying their dues. Someone once told me when I was becoming impatient about “blowing” to never rush the process…to enjoy and make sure I learn all I can on the journey. Be patient. 

Thank you so much Leading Ladies Africa. I enjoyed being interviewed. Usually, it’s the other way around, lol. 


The Leading Ladies Africa weekly Career Conversation series focuses on women of African descent, showcases their experiences across all socio-economic sectors, highlights their personal and professional achievements and offers useful advice on how to make life more satisfying for women.

Do you know any woman of African descent doing phenomenal things? Send an email to lead@leadingladiesafrica.org and we just might feature her.

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