#LLAInterview: “Take Baby Steps. Continue To Put In The Work Daily; No Matter How Little.” Zuwaira Ikaro-Shuaib, Founder, Amal Botanicals Babycare Solutions.

Image credit: Zuwaira Ikharo-Shuaib

Having and caring for your baby is one of the most fulfilling experiences any mother can have, and we know you want to look after your little one in the best way possible. With synthetic fragrances and ingredients in many skin and hair care products, babies can have adverse reactions including skin irritation, rashes, and even respiratory issues.

Luckily, natural and nontoxic baby care products are an easy way to protect your little one. However, not all-natural baby care products are as natural as they claim. And if they are, they are usually unaffordable. One woman changing the narrative for baby care products in Nigeria is Zuwaira Ikharo-Shuaib, founder of Amal Botanicals – a natural and affordable baby care brand that has catered to over 20,000 babies needs and still counting.

In this interview with Leading Ladies Africa, Zuwaira shares the inspiration behind establishing a natural baby care brand that keeps babies’ skins hydrated, moisturized, and irritation-free, why it’s important for female entrepreneurs to value their voice and the challenges she faces in running a manufacturing business. Lean in!

1. The inspiration behind becoming an entrepreneur (what are your roots, what connects your childhood to what you do now? Who are the most important people in your life and how did they impact you? )

As a mother of premature triplets, I saw the need for natural baby skincare specifically for babies. This is what led me to start Amal Botanicals Natural Baby Skincare Solutions. In my childhood days, I had this special care for children. I remember how I helped my Aunties care for their children.

2. The gap your business fills in the current market space.

The current market for baby skincare products is filled with lots of products containing chemicals and ingredients which will further cause skin irritations and aren’t suitable for babies’ skins. 

Amal Botanicals uses only natural ingredients which have been tested and proven to moisturize, treat eczema, skin dryness, cradle cap, nappy rash and other skin inflammation in babies and children. 

Image credit: Zuwaira Ikharo-Shuaib

3. The impact of your business’ products/services on your customers/clientele?

We have impacted and inspired over 20,000 mothers to nurture and care for their babies with Amal Botanicals Natural Baby Skincare Solutions and also helped mothers ease the journey of motherhood by reducing baby skin inflammation and other skin issues. 

4. Mistakes and lessons learned.

I’ve made lots of mistakes from sourcing raw materials to the distribution of our products. I have also learnt to source the best raw materials no matter the costs. I’d go for quality over quantity any day.


Image credit: Zuwaira Ikharo-Shuaib.

5. Milestones and achievements.

In June 2019, we opened our first walk-in store in Ikoyi. In December, Amal Botanicals was nominated in the Start-Up Category for the year by Her Network. Also, Amal Botanicals Baby Skincare products were approved by NAFDAC. In March 2020, we were featured on Cable News Network 1 and CNN.

6. Success markers + Outlook. 

About 60 percent of children will experience skin inflammation by age 1, and another 30 percent will experience symptoms by age 5. Children born into families that have a history of allergic diseases such as asthma or hay fever are at an increased risk for skin inflammation like eczema, excessive dryness of skin, psoriasis etc.

I’m always happy whenever parents give us reviews on how Amal Botanicals Natural Baby Skin Solutions has drastically reduced their babies’ skin inflammation issues. As for the outlook, we are working to become the number one go-to organization for all-things baby care in Africa. We intend to diversify into all baby care products from skin, hair, accessories, infant and babywear – all baby products, generally. 

Image credit: Zuwaira Ikharo-Shuaib.

7. Advice for younger female entrepreneurs. 

My advice for young female entrepreneurs is to take baby steps. Continue to put in the work daily, no matter how little.

8. Legacy/ What you would want to be remembered for.

I would like Amal Botanicals to be remembered as the go-to place for baby care products and to be known as the best African manufacturer of baby care products with excellent customer service. 


The Leading Ladies Africa weekly interview series focuses on women of African descent, showcases their experiences across all socio-economic sectors, highlights their personal and professional achievements and offers useful advice on how to make life more satisfying for women.

Do you know any woman of African descent doing phenomenal things? Send an email to lead@leadingladiesafrica.org and we just might feature her.

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