4 Career and Personal Branding Trends That Will Impact Your Success in 2020


Deciding how your career or personal brand will be in 2020 can get a little dicey. We live in a world that is so noisy these days. Everyone has an opinion on everything, a lot of people are telling you what to do and what not to do, people are giving you branding advice here and there and yes, we understand how difficult it can get to find your own unique voice.

Managing your personal brand is a lot harder in the rapid-paced, dynamic, ever-changing, digital world of today. We have listed some tips to help you achieve that career and personal branding success.


It’s a noisy world and it’s getting noisier. To be heard in this world requires steadfast focus and purity. You’ll get lost in the clamor if your message isn’t clear, consistent, and constant. Brandscaping means excising the extraneous stuff that distracts, detracts, or disorients so you come across as pristine, potent, and powerful. Effective personal branding means identifying the one thing for which you want to be known. When you’re singing the same note all the time, you’ll stand out from the noise and be recognized and remembered.

Treadmill Learning

The days of relying on your company to give you all the learning opportunities you need to succeed are long gone. Much of the responsibility has been switched to you. Your Talent Development Leaders can provide the learning experiences, but it’s up to you to participate, learn and act on what you’ve learned. And the speed of change in the workplace demands that you make learning a deliberate daily activity. Think of training like walking on a treadmill. You can’t stand still on a treadmill that’s in motion. If you don’t keep moving forward, you’ll fall off the back and be left behind. The same is true of learning. If you aren’t actively learning every day, you’ll quickly lose your relevance.

“Learning needs to be customized for each individual based on their skill and knowledge gaps, personal and professional goals, and specific interests” –  Kelly Palmer (The Expertise Economy Degreed CLO)

That just means that it’s your responsibility to determine what and how to learn.


Two key workplace trends are creating the perfect environment for video to take over as the most important form of business communications. The first trend is remote work. We rarely sit alongside all the people we work with regularly. The second trend is the over-saturation of text-based communications. Video allows you to deliver a complete communication and connect more deeply and emotionally with those you seek to influence. And it cuts through the clutter of content that’s made up of the 26 letters of the alphabet. Video will ultimately replace email and texting as a more powerful and valuable medium. YouTube is already the second-largest search engine after Google. Video conferences will become the norm and vmail will replace email. Get comfortable with video now while it’s still differentiating.

What other branding tips do you have? Go ahead and share them with us.

Source: Forbes

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