Want to start a lingerie brand? Here are a few tips.

Just like starting a fashion brand or any other business, there are technicalities. The lingerie world however, seems saturated with the big names already, but that shouldn’t stop you from setting up your brand and bringing those designs to life.

Here are a few tips for emerging lingerie designers and brands.


 Define your target customer.

If you don’t know who your target customer is, you’ll have a tough time retaining loyal consumers. I don’t mean just knowing who your customer is, but really being attuned to everything she does, wants and thinks. How old are they? Where do they live? How much money do they make? What colors do they prefer? Where do they buy their clothes?

This helps put your business in oerspective

Estimate how long it will take you to launch… then double it.

Once you have put together a business plan and a timeline. Between securing the financial start-up, registering the business, buying products, building a website, and getting the word out there, estimate the time you will need to start and double that time, because, no matter how much you prepare, there will constantly be new challenges popping up and tasks to add to the list.

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Social media can be your best friend.

Social media is a great place to establish a presence and build a following for little or no money. Your target customer most likely uses social media every day – whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any of the numerous others. So what better way to reach them than to appeal directly to their preferences? In fact, social media is such a daily part of our lives that not establishing a presence on one or more of these sites could potentially have a negative effect on your credibility as a reputable business!

Listen to your customers (but know When to say No)

Being able to reach a representative and be treated respectfully and in a timely manner is something all consumers can appreciate, especially when times are tough. And with multiple social media platforms available to them, an unhappy customer has more influence today than in the past.

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