#2018Goals: LLA Founder, Francesca Uriri shares tips for goal setting.

I’m a huge believer in writing down your intentions and vision, not just for the coming year, but for life in general. I believe that writing down things, give them the power and permission to come true. As it’s written in the bible: “Write it down, make it plain.” So here are a few things I’ve learned about goal setting:
1. Spend sometime THINKING about what you want and what you intend to happen for you and to you. Be very intentional about thoughts. Create clear pictures in your mind. In my opinion, this is the most important part – thinking through your goals.

2. Write down S.M.A.R.T goals. You’ve probably heard this a zillion times, but there’s a reason why it’s true. Your goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. For example if buying a house is one of your goals for 2018, you should intend to discuss with a mortgage company, have an idea where the house(s) will be, and know the kind of investment that is required to make it happen.


3. K.I.S.S – Keep it short and simple. And I’ll add “Be specific.” If you want a job at XXX, write it down! A few years ago, I would have 3-4 A4 pages of goals; like I was trying to impress God by how many things I wanted to achieve. #Epicfail. I ended up being overwhelmed and unfocused. The more concise and straightforward your goals are, the easier they are to recall and execute.


4. Segment your goals: I personally have found it helpful to segment goals into short, mid and long term goals. For example doing a professional short course in the Q1 2018, is a short term goal for me. Travelling to Prague in Q2 2018, is a mid-term goal. By segmenting, I’m able to pace myself and plan.


5. Review and pray over your goals. Many are the plans of a (wo)man’s heart, but only the will of God will prevail. We can write and write, but if plans are not central to God’s purpose for us, then we are walking amiss. Look over your plans, share them (if you want) with trusted people. Ask the Holy Spirit to breathe over them and to reveal certain things to you.

And finally, remain flexible and open. God is a God of “plot twists.” Sometimes He switches things up to give additional flavor. Remember that writing it down does not absolve you of the responsibility of actually “DOING” stuff to make things happen. God has His part, but you 100% have to play yours too. 70-75% of the things I wrote down for this year came true. Others from 2015 just materialized. Some others, I’m still waiting on God and for God. May all of us manifest powerfully an purposefully in 2018! Happy new year in advance!

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