Christine Khasinah-Odero explored an unknown path in business and made a success of it


When Christine Khasinah-Odero started Supermamas in 2010, she may not have gotten so  much applause because she took a somewhat unusual direction in entrepreneurship. Today, her event and marketing company has grown so much that it hosts over 200 mothers at an individual event with sponsorship from multinationals like Procter and Gamble, Microsoft, Johnson&Johnson etc. 

How did all these happen?

Christine got to a point where she was dissatisfied with her job and she knew it was time to move on. She was pregnant at the time so it wasn’t hard for her to think of a solution that can help mums achieve and surpass their dreams even after childbirth. 

Apart from hosting events for mothers, the company encourages mums to remain in business by imparting the skills needed to thrive and giving them a platform to talk about what they do, at the same time giving their businesses visibility and connecting them to possible customers.

Christine is an award winning entrepreneur and according to her, the major ingredient of her success is consistency and the ability to continuously evolve. But like other businesses, getting the initial capital, corporate partners and mums to believe in the idea was not easy. Overtime, Christine eventually learnt how to make the idea sustain itself, by creating relationships with the organizations, the mums, and by exploring the digital space. 

The positive feedback she receives from mums after they attend any of the Supermamas events always keep her going. She also derives joy in seeing the faces of beneficiaries of Supermamas community service. 

Well done Christine!


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