Nominations open for #LLA100WOMEN2020 is your chance to nominate a woman who has done amazing things and deserves recognition.
Here are 10 reasons why you should nominate a woman who is making a change!
1. Because she is worth it
Because these women are amazing and dedicated to making the lives of other people better, here’s your chance to let them know who they are. Not only would their reputations definitely get a boost, but it will also increase their network of contacts.
2. You can make a difference in their lives
Nominating her is all about making a difference, and there’s no reason why you can’t get in on the fun! For someone who constantly exceeds expectations, it feels amazing to be recognised. These women would love nothing more than for you to appreciate what they’re doing, and tell them how much you find their work inspiring.
3. You get to show these women how much you care
This is the perfect opportunity to show these women, who time and time again, go beyond what you expected from them, how much you truly appreciate what they’re doing. So, go show them so love and nominate someone!
4. It’s an opportunity to celebrate success
There’s no other time during the year quite like this, where we all come together to celebrate the success of women making a change. Now is the time where you can celebrate them!
5. It’s good to sing about the unsung heroes
Many of these women are doing amazing things but people rarely know about them. Nominating her increases her chances of gaining recognition, validating her hard work and spotlighting her efforts.
6. Let them shine!
Collectively, the women on our previous lists provide shining examples of excellence, from actors to chief execs, musicians, teachers, novelists, coaches, consultants, activists and storytellers. The list is endless. And this year isn’t different. Make sure the women who inspire you are part of the mix.
7. It’s free to nominate
Whether you belong to the LLA Community or you passed by and discovered the nominations, we do not ask you to pay a fee to nominate a woman making a change. Nominations are absolutely free!
8. And there are no hidden extras
We won’t try and flog you or your nominee an expensive ticket to a gala – but we will invite winners to our Gala Night on 28, March 2020. Plus, it’s another way for them to have fun, meet new people and increase their network of contacts.
9. You’ll get that warm, fuzzy feeling
There’s no better feeling than making someone smile. And that’s exactly what you’ll be doing by nominating someone for the #LLA100WOMEN2020 Make your nomination meaningful, and they’ll always remember your kind words.
10. It’s simple!
Just give us 180 words on why you find your nominee so inspiring.