#RunningInHeels: 6 things we learnt from Bola OnadaSokunbi on Finance and the value of money

I don’t know about you, but I think Bola Onada Sokunbi is a super hero! She saves the day by educating you on your finances in the most interesting way there is. She is a financial expert who is passionate about helping women get their money issues right (told you she was a super hero).

Onada Photography - OnadaPhotography.net

Bola Sokunbi founded the Clever Girl Finance out of a passion to succeed financially and help other women too. In her LLA interview she discussed some financial traps that women fall into and tells us how they can be avoided. she also teaches us about why we should teach our children about the value of money and financial responsibility.

Onada Photography - OnadaPhotography.net
Onada Photography – OnadaPhotography.net

Here are 6 other things we learnt from our LLA interview with Bola Onada Sokunbi.

  • Despite financial “disadvantages” we can still build wealth and be financially successful as long as we recognize what it is that we need to be doing.
  • Start where you are with what you have no matter how small and over time you’ll see your money grow plus when you earn more you can save more. It’s all about establishing the habits.
  • Do not make the mistake of waiting till you earn more to start saving and building.

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  • Financial mistakes are normal – even the wealthiest people in the world have made them, what matters is the lessons we learn and how we chose to move forward.
  • Spending within your means is really the only way to stay out of debt. keep your expenses below your income.
  • Create a budget and stick to it. this way you are on top of things always.
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