5 Tips for ending the week like a Boss

Yass! Its friyay!

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Well for some of us the grind includes Friday. And Friday seems a lot like limping to the finish line of a long and taxing work week. But hey! What if you ended Friday like the lady boss that you are? Yes it is possible.

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We have five proven tips to help you out this Friday.

  1. Crush your to do list. Remember that list you made on Sunday night? Yea check it out again and cross out the tasks and projects you’ve been able to complete. And get to the ones you haven’t completed. This’ll help you re-strategize and re-plan if necessary.
  2. Be Introspective. Look back over your week and ask yourself two simple questions. What did I do well? And what could I have done better? This is a short exercise to keep yourself on track.
  3. Please take a break. One hour to reboot isn’t a bad idea. Once you’re refreshed, get back to work and tackle projects head on.
  4. Set yourself up for success. Take 30 minutes every Friday to sketch what you want your week to look like. Just create a loose plan.
  5. Work like you’re getting ready to catch a flight. If you were going on a vacation or a weekend trip, you wouldn’t plan to take a bunch of work with you. Put yourself in that mindset and you can achieve a similar distraction for the weekend.

When you have all of this in the bag please pour yourself a glass and unplug.

Tell us what you do to end your weekend on a high note, we’ll be reading!

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