Pope Francis appoints six women to senior Vatican positions – Historic!
Pope Francis has appointed 7 new members to the Vatican’s council for the economy amongst which 6 of the new laypeople to the committee are women. The six female appointees are: Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof, of Germany; Eva Castillo Sanz, of Spain; Leslie Jane Ferrar, of Great Britain; Marija Kolak, of Germany; María Concepción Osákar Garaicoechea, of […]
Amina Longoh, becomes Chad’s new Minister of Women’s Affairs and Child Protection
Amina Priscille Longoh, a 29-year-old journalist, has become Chad’s minister of women and protection of children. Amina is also the founder of Chad Helping Hands, an NGO that helps citizens in the country with basic needs. Longoh’s appointment, according to reports, was based on her many humanitarian efforts in helping less privileged in Chad. Prior […]