How Ina Makosi is solving the problem of Litter in the African Community.

Senegalese photographer Ina Makosi who takes fashion shoots of models in places covered in litter and trash is using her skills to pass a message to people on how to make a changes in trashing and littering in the environment. In 2010, she founded Africulturban, an association about HipHop and urban cultures, based in Pikine (Senegal). […]

#10Questions With The Lady Boss, Toyin Onigbanjo – “The Field Of Business Is Not An Easy One, Nobody Will Do Your Work For You. You Have To Get Up And Grind, No Matter The Challenges”.

This week on the Lady Boss series with LLA, we chat with Toyin Onigbanjo, Child Nutrition advocate, Author- AugustSecrets Meal Plan book and founder of AugustSecrets Nigeria, a growing food company manufacturing nutritious, innovative meals for babies and toddlers from African staples. In this interview, she discusses among other things the importance of resilience and […]