“Don’t let the vision of your life scare you” incredible life hacks from Yetunde Odugbesan-Omede

Yetunde Odugbesan-Omede, is no stranger to the LLA platform. A woman of many passions, and a unique purpose, she is the Author of  Young Women’s Guide, and also a Professor, Women’s Empowerment Advocate, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist. She’s also incredibly inspiring; check out her previous LLA feature here.

Yetunde Odugbesan-Omede

Yetunde shares some great and insightful lessons she’s learned as woman, coach and entrepreneur:

  1. Don’t let the vision for your life scare you. Everything great has a starting point. As long as you start…you’ve already completed half the battle.
  2. Don’t let someone else’s insecurity interfere with how you view yourself. Peoples actions are a reflection of who they are not who you are. Do not accept people’s negative projections.
  3. To be honest, fulfillment comes from having a life of balance and defining success on your own terms.
  4. Like Maya Angelou said, “When you know better, you do better.” And not everyone knows better so don’t be afraid to be the teacher every now and then.
  5. Be a good person. Life is a circle, every energy, thought and action you produce will always come back to you. Just be a good person with good intentions.
  6. Before you ask people for their opinion…you better be secure and validated in your own skin first so you don’t get lost in people’s perceptions of who they think you are.
  7. What is meant for you…is only meant for you.
  8. You can’t compete against someone’s individuality, authenticity, idea, talent or skill. It’s not possible.
  9. What is possible…is that you will experience blessings that are only unique to you if you set out to accomplish things that are a reflection of your own unique ability and skill.
  10. Sometimes in trying to help people you may get cut in the process due to their brokenness. You must give people the opportunity to heal and change when they are ready.
  11. Stand up for yourself. Don’t let anyone walk over you. Don’t beg for friendships or maintain relationships that are not helping you grow. We have a lot of great things to do in life so there no time to get caught up in someone else’s mess.

‪#‎askyetunde‬ ‪#‎asky‬ ‪#‎lifelessons‬

About Yetunde:

Yetunde is a lecturer of Political Science and Global Affairs. She is the Founder of Young Woman’s Guide, CEO of Yetunde Global Consulting, Author and Business Woman. To learn more about Yetunde visit her website at www.yetundeodugbesan.com 

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