5 ways to overcome a breakup

There’s no two ways about it. Breaking up is hard and painful. Even if it wasn’t the best relationship, splitting up dramatically ruins your day-to-day life and has emotional repercussions that can send you into a tailspin. But then, after a break up, doing literally anything is better than doing nothing.

If you really want to grow, heal, and move forward after a breakup, here’s where to begin.


Accept the empty feeling.      

For a least a couple of days, it is totally alright to remember the good times and allow yourself to cry all you want.

Cut off contact with your ex.

In this case, absence does not make the heart grow fonder, absence is exactly what you need to cool off, process your feeling sand change your perspective. A period of no contact via calls, text, emails or social media is recommended because you need time and distance to get emotional clarity.

Challenge your negative thoughts.

Make plans that get you out of the house. Exercise, eat well, return to healthy sleeping habits, take risks again. Do you! Get a new hairdo, take a nice bath. Put focus on a new improvement not a loss.


Get back out there.

I really do not mean you should sign up for dating sites just yet. But make an effort to spend time with people you care about. This stepis critically important to bring back a sense of normalcy to your life and to remind you of all th people you have in your corner.

Look forward to the future and don’t look back.

It may seem impossible to think that you will ever love again after an especially bad breakup. Trust me I know.

But this sense of loss can open up the door to great possibility. When you find yourself at the end of a relationship, ask yourself; what else is possible now that wasn’t possible when we were together?

The end may just be the beginning. A breakup always leads to something greater.

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